Ya think yer world is the only one around and ya don't venture too far outta yer comfort zone. Yer life is great and yer not worried about where yer next doggie biscuit is comin' from or yer next bowl of ice cream....
Then the black clouds roll in like they did around here again tonight. We had another storm where the thunder roared and the lightening streaked across the sky. And the rains fell...... The rains didn't bother us at all, cause it cooled things off a bit and the tomato plants got some free water and so did the pepper plants and Gram's flowers.
But the black clouds are causin' a lot of trouble in the stock market. The Dow dropped more than 358 points today and the price of a barrel of oil closed a fraction under $140 for the first time ever. The thunder and lightening from that storm will be felt around the world....
These black clouds are causin' people all around the world ta wonder if they can buy food tomorrow with the risin' prices. People are losin' their homes left 'n right and some of 'em can't afford ta buy gasoline fer their cars ta get ta work. If things keep goin' on like this, many will not be able to heat their homes this winter. Ya can bet that crime is gonna rise like the Phoenix from the ashes as people try ta get the basic necessities ta survive......
Do ya think that the do-nothings in Congress in Washington can get off their duffs long enough ta stick their heads out the door ta see whats what? They can't seem ta see the clouds at all. All they seem ta see is the sun shine.
Now ya might be wonderin' how Dewey Dewster knows about the workings of the world...'n the sufferin' goin' on...'n the fact that there is a U.S. Congress in Washington at all.....
Hey, ya might be wonderin' how Dewey Dewster knows that there even is a Washington, D.C. in this country. Well, Dewey Dewster has been talkin' 'n listenin' ta his Gram since he was born and if he didn't pick up somethin' after all that listenin', he would be pretty stupid indeed.
If the U.S. Congress continues ta debate and fight about who's at fault here, those black clouds are never gonna go away........
Ya all better take shelter from the rain.......
Dewey Dewster reportin' on where we're goin'....