It's me and Toby reporting from our window perch on the Great Pittsburgh Dog Show held at the Convention center this Saturday and Sunday. We didn't get to go....I know why...they were afraid that we would win all the prizes and there wouldn't be anything left for anyone else....lucky we decided we didn't WANT to go that left more prizes for all the other doggies who did go.
If ya wanna see some of the doggies that were in the ring click on the YouTube videos below. I'm a warnin ya, the only ones you'll see here are the Wire Fox Terriers and not much of them either since it takes forever and a day to upload video to YouTube and anywhere else. And the video gets distorted as well. But ya can get an idea what the doggies looked like anyway.
Here's Altha in the ring with her 13 month old puppy, Summer.
And here are both of the Wires showing that day right before the judges decision. The Judge was Peter Green. The other wire is Hettie and she is the littermate of my Dad, Fred.
By the way Summer won the ribbon. Pretty little girl......Congratulations to Altha !!!!