My doggie Gram, Sporty, lives on a dairy farm along with my doggie Uncles, Shawn C. and Goober and my doggie Aunt, Jewels (they're my Mom's litter mates, all wire fox terriers). The farm was sold a few years ago, but hooman Great Gram, Judy, and her family still live there in the old farmhouse.
My hooman Uncle Shawn now has a calf that he says he is raisin' for food. The calf lives in a shelter behind the garage and Uncle Shawn has had him since he was born last year. Did ya know that when momma cows have their babies, they don't get ta keep 'em and nurse 'em... 'n cuddle 'em? Someone comes along and takes the babies right away and they are bottle fed until they can eat solid food.
My that's a Big bottle, huh?
The cow Moms go back into the dairy-milking mix after a few days, once the colostrum is out of their milk. And the baby cows go into little huts with their own fenced yards and a hooman person bottle feeds them all their milk. Sounds like a lot of work, huh? It is.
Here is what the baby huts look like....and there is a whole little city of 'em. Cute little buggers, aren't they?
Anyway, back to Uncle Shawn and his calf. Last time we were at the farm, we got ta see Uncle Shawn's calf and his name is Goliath. Now, if yer plannin' on butcherin' yer little boy child fer food later on, do ya give 'em a name? Well, I guess he's not so little fer a boy child, now is he?
Check out the video of Goliath. He's a cutie, isn't he?
That was hooman Gram Judy callin' Goliath so he would come out ta see us.....
Don't think there are a lot of doggies out there who have a cousin that is a calf and one that will be on a dinner table in a few years. Or so Uncle Shawn says.......
Sure hope ya all enjoyed the dairy farm story and that ya all think Goliath is a pretty neat cousin ta have......we sure do.......
Dewey Dewster...... WFT, reportin' on Cousin Goliath