Hi ta all.......
We were at the cottage again fer a spell with that dialup stuff 'n Gram just can't handle dialup at all. So we were just not usin' the computer at all there........
I can tell ya we didn't see any porcupines this trip........ 'n we're sure happy about that. They were horrible monsters.....fer sure......
But I tell ya.....we saw somethin' movin in a pile of rocks near the edge of the woods. My Mom was over there scoutin' around and we wanted ta see what was in there. So Gram let us all go over ta catch the vermin in the rocks.....
Why, even Toby wanted ta be in on the search.....look at 'em go......... why I tell ya... it almost seems like he wants ta dig an earthdog tunnel fer all of us......
Of course my Mom's shrill bark scared anythin' away that was hidin' in there. We're sure the vermin ran 2 miles away after hearin' her scream like a banshee.........
Back in "Da Burgh".........
Remember we told ya all about those burglars that are prowlin' around just waitin' ta steal our toys ?????
Well........I was sure I saw one tryin' ta get inta our house........
Why....he was frightenin'.....fer sure......
I had ta run ta get my favorite toy ta guard it so that it wasn't stolen.............
Oh yeah......
'N Momo and Pinot had asked us a while back ta see some pictures of baby Parker....'n we kept fergettin'.....
Here's a little video that was taken in early April.....we'll try ta get more soon.......
We have ta make sure Parker doesn't try ta play with OUR toys.....that he only plays with HIS toys......Imagine us all gettin' locked out of the house so Parker could play by himself........the indignity of it all......
Gee, we are sure sorry we were away fer so long.......we'll be around ta visit soon......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on flushin' out vermin and guardin' toys.......