We almost thought we would never see ya again....
'N never hear from ya either....
'N never be home again too......
But we are home and back ta usin' the good old DSL we have come ta love....
We wanted ta share a bit of all the stuff we did while we were in Florida in March.
We stayed at a community called Tanglewood in Sebring, Florida. There were lots of doggies there which meant peemail overload, but boy was it fun ta smell it all.
In the Park, they had a doggie run and while we were there twice, the second time we were the only doggies runnin' around in there. The place was full of sand and even though it was sand it made us really dirty.
Here we are runnin' around chasin' the ball......
If ya click on any of the pictures, ya can biggify 'em....
We got ta be in our exercise pen in the front of the place we were stayin' and observe all the people goin' by. And on a hot day, Gram got out the hose and we got a pan 'o water ta cool off in. Look at silly Toby always bein' happy.....doofus.....
We got ta sit with Pap and relax after a hard day of people watchin'in the little house we were in........
Gram got some nice scenery pictures of Lake June.......................
This picture is of the yard next door ta where the new house is goin'.... ya ever see grass so green ???
And more of Lake June. Gram's friends are gonna love the view from their lanai.......
Ain't he funny lookin' ????
After spendin' a whole month there, we headed back ta Pittsburgh. We stayed 2 nights in motels along the way. 'N the motels had special bedspread fer us ta lay on. Ain't they nice people....motel people ???? Mom was relaxin' in the second motel....they sure have nice beds.....
As ya can see, all that travelin' was a bit tirin' 'n so we're taking some time ta get used ta bein' back home and in the colder weather. That sunshine and those warm temperatures were sure nice ta enjoy...
But it's good ta be home again too. We'll try ta catch up on what ya all have been doin' as soon as we ge caught up on all the stuff that was waitin' fer us when we got back.
We're sure gonna miss Florida but Gram says we're goin' back next winter and fer a long visit next time.....
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on Florida, travelin' and the special circus man we saw....