We sure didn't disappear or anythin' but we've been outta comission in the blog world fer sure.
We blame it on Gram.....'n we're lookin' fer another new Gram right now ta take 'er place 'cause we need someone ta help us with the blog that isn't as busy.......
Know anyone willin' ta accept the job ?
Anyway, we don't have much ta report except fer our last trip ta the cottage. The camera person hasn't been using' the camera like she should be.....I won't mention any names but I think ya know who I mean........
We went fer a walk and my Mom got all muddy layin' in a mud puddle. So that meant that the pool got out and we all got ta get wet with the hose.......
Now for those of ya that want ta see us in action.....here it is........watch closely cause we move FAST..........
And then when we got home, Ross Township had their holiday fireworks goin' on and we have a Birdseye view from the back deck......so Gram did take a few pictures of the display.....
Gee, we're sure sorry that we haven't been around lately. I did sit Gram down a spell and had a talk with 'er but I'm not sure if we have an agreement ta do better yet or not........we may have ta go ta arbitration........we'll keep ya posted on any progress we make......
But have a great weekend and I promise we will be around ta visit soon.....
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on a lazy Gram and our trip ta the cottage......
When we biggified the first photo and saw the expression on -- we think it was Dewey Dewster -- we had to chortle!!!
So much fun. We're fixin' to get a pool too so we can enjpoy ourselves biting water and jumping around!!
We've missed you -- and hope all is well. Not too sure what to do about your Gram - 'cause we have similar problems here.
Wirey woofs.
Jake and Just Harry
Hi, Dewey...
Looks like you had a great time at the cottage...Looks like you had a great time playing in the water...
Thanks for the info you gave my Mom about me acting sooo strange lately...
You asked if I had any shots lately...Yes - I had a Distemper shot on Saturday...Do you think that could have something to do with it?
Abby xxxooo
Have woo tried trading her to another team fur future khonsiderations?
Nice game of jump the pool!
I find when someone in the family gets lazy, a well-placed poke with the cattle prod will liven things up considerably. Hope you don't have to resort to that, and if you do, I hope you can run faster than Gram. hee hee
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Hi, Dewey!
I enjoyed a lot your video! Sure you like the water!
I hope your talk with Gram was enough to see your posts more often!
Kisses and hugs
w00fs, heehee me cood watch that video all day..its funny..and u take turns..
b safe,
Hi, Dewey...
My Mom says she is gonna get those books...
She looked around a little on the computer tonite & thinks she needs to find out more about vaccines...
Thanks for the info...
Abby xxxooo
Boy, I know what having a bad secretary is like. I've been there. So, I sympathize with you guys and I hope that you can work out some sort of agreement to get your Gram to be more prompt in her posting duties.
Great pictures of the fire works! My mom didn't even try to take any photos. Can you imagine that?
Your pool and hose look so cool and refreshing! Wish somebody would do that for me.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Your pool time looks too fun! Wish I was there too! The fireworks slideshow was pawesome! *grins*
Re: my itchies, I don't get them a lot after I am on a raw diet, but every now and then (Mom thinks it's more towards the bug bites than diet-related) I get some itchies...it's still much better than before I was on raw, though. =)
G'day pals
Good to hear from you all. You sure look like you're having a great time in the pool. Must be pretty hot there.
If you feel like cooling off you can come and visit us hehe. It's brrrrr cold!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
You would love hanging out with Pee-Wee. He chases the water too. I just like to have the hose placed directly in my mouth.
Hey, we've missed you and are glad you got Gram to help you hop back if even for a bit. That pool video was inspiring! We just sort of stood around in ours (here in the hot humid weather of north Florida, where we are for a spell), but now we see ways we can expand our water repertoire! Jumping! Barking! Shaking! Leaping in and out and running round and round! We never knew it could be so much fun! Thanks for the swimming lesson. Maybe we'll move from the Tadpoles class to the Minnows class next time we swim!
Jake and Miss Fergi
That pool and water looks fun, for dogs. It is not for me. I don't like getting my furs wet.
Dewey, I biggified all those photos- haaaaaa!!! You three are soooo funny leaping about in the cold water. Crickey, I hate even going out in the rain!!
Don't know how to get your Gram working for you, I have the same problem....but boy oh boy I was wagging to see you around again.
Wiry loves and kisses, Eric xxxxx
You guys sure do like being squirt with the hose! You never seem to get enough of it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
well we all have the same secretary problem so don't worry about it....We HAVE to try that in the pool..You guys look like you had a LOT of fun!!!Love A+A
Wow were you ever having fun in the big water bowl. It's so nice to watch you have fun.
Tell gram thanks for not including sound in the fireworks pictures. That would have sent me right under the bed again.
Oh and tell gram too that if she doesn't get back to helping you blog regularly, I'm coming out to Pennsylvania to slobber on her.
Have a great week.
I would love to help but my Mummy can't even keep up with my blog lately!
Big licks to you
My Mom's just as bad, even more so, with blogging lately ever since the camera broke. WHY doesn't she just go out and get another??
Oh yes we have a baby pool to play in when Mom gets the urge to fill it. Ollie loves to bite the water as it comes out of the hose. Good thing he doesn't mind when he gets a face full!
I HOPE we'll get to come Earthdog with you, not in August but maybe in October. Depends on how bad Mom wants to run me in agility that weekend in October..
Dewey, Dewey...it's pourin'...if it rains any more here this summer, we're all gonna drown!!!!! First of all which foxy was doin' all that yappin' in that video??? Oh my...that makes me seem well quiet!!!!
Secondly, has Toby gotten bigger, or is it just my imagination???? We bigified that pic of him on his hind leggies and he looked like a dale...even with all four paws down he looks bigger than you Dewey??? Does he beat ya up...we Lakies are um well...scrappy!!
Gotta go figure out how to have fun on a rainy day?? Maybe we'll fingerpaint????
Love ya lots...
Dewey, you guys love water, huh? :) and we enjoyed watching the video!! It's nice to see you guys jump'n'around.
Thank you for your sweet comment about our human brudder. yeah...he's getting big and gonna be a big boy for sure. We can't believe he's gonna be one year old in two weeks.
We look forward to see how your little human is doinig. :) :)
Momo & Pinot
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