Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Extreme Makeover- Canine Style

Hello Everyone,

Gee, we sure hope yer enjoyin' the weather. While it has been rainin' around here the last few days, we have sure had some beautiful warm days full of sunshine.

But tonight, I was wonderin' if I could borrow yer ears 'n eyes fer a bit....

Not yer Easter bunny ears....'n not yer x-ray eyes.....

Nope, I need yer full attention.....cause I have a problem...

See me relaxin' here and see Toby down there posin' fer Gram ???? (Ya can biggify any of these pictures by clickin' on 'em)

Do ya think he looks fit 'n trim there ?? Kinda slim ??? Kinda skinny perhaps ???? Why ya can feel all his ribs, I tell ya !!!!

Now, take a look at me, would ya ????

Do ya think I look a bit pudgy ????

Maybe not as trim lookin' as I could be ???? Why, me 'n Toby both play a lot...I mean a lot !!!!

We run up and down the steps all day. we play tug......

We both get exercise....lots of exercise....

I mean look at Toby, would ya ????

Does he look like he's in better shape than I am ????

I had ta get in front of the mirror and look at myself......

I can see where there's room fer improvement....

What do ya think ????


I had ta try out Gram's exercise bike ta see if I could firm up some of my body parts that are a bit flabby....

I was havin' trouble figurin' it out and Toby came over ta try ta help.....

How am I supposed ta get my feet on those pedals and use my paws ta hold onta the handlebars when I am so little and that bike is so big....

Why, ya have ta do a real balancin' act ta even stay on that thing. Don't know how Gram does it ??? But then she really doesn't use it much and she needs it much more than I do.....

Maybe I'm doin' it wrong....maybe I need ta shift inta another position altogether....

What do ya think ????

Think this is the right way ta ride the bike and lose weight and gain muscles ?????

Maybe I just need ta eat less....

Maybe I should go on the grapefruit diet....

Or the cabbage soup diet....

Or join the Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig......

What do ya all think, huh ?????

Gee, I'm sure confused here fer sure.......
Do ya think ya can help me make a decision on how ta look better ?????
I tell ya if I have ta give up my evening dog biscuits, late evening chewey and bedtime treat....I don't know how I can get ta sleep at night....
Put on those thinkin' caps and help Dewey out.....
This is Dewey Dewter here reportin' on Extreme Dewey Makeover.........


Lacy said...

w00f's, me not think u looks fat...yeah mama tried to go back to internet explorer, but sheeesh, it was putting all these errors thingys up..if u has google, check out google chrome..its still working grate..

b safe,

Life With Dogs said...

LOLOL! How on earth did you ever pull off that balancing act?? I see your spotter, but still - I'm at a loss. You probably stressed off two pounds just standing up there!

Asta said...


I biggified evewy pictoowe and looked and looked and couldn't find a single thing that needed impwoving on you..Now Mommi hates to excewcise(she's lazy) and let me tell you, she could suwe use that bike thingy, but not you Dewey., and do NOT give up those tweats..why life isn't wowf living wifout tweats.
I think you and toby should just wun up and down and play pull tug and womp like you do and you will stay pawfect.!
( I do think you could make a whole lot of $ advewtising that equipment though..you'we a natoowal
smoochie kisses to all of you

Lorenza said...

Hi, Dewey!
I don't think you need to go on a diet!
Like you say... No sire!
You are my hero! How you can stay on that bike??? OMD!
My mom had one of those bikes... and she says they don't work! Ha!
Don't worry. Enjoy the life... and have a treat for me, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Sally said...

Hi Dewey - we think you look great - no need to lose any weight. How did you stay on that bike?
All that exercising and running around with Toby has made me want a snack...
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Suzuki said...

BOL! Maybe you should join Addie's Biggest Loser Pet Contest? It only started yesterday an Addie is still accepting more pup entries. I am in it :)
Big licks to you

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I think you are just perfect the way you are, Dewey! No need to give up your favorite treats and naps...and you are so clever to be able to work the exercise machine! How did you manage to get up there? *grins*


Abby said...

Hi, Dewey...

I think you look perfect just the way you are...

And, please be careful on that thing...You could fall off & get hurt...

Abby xxxooo

Gus said...

Dewey...you look fine to me. You are prolly not even eligible to join the "substantial wires" club with me and Jackson


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are welkhome to walk along with me!

Woo khan meet the WFT in the next development!

PeeEssWoo: I think woo look perfekht!

Juno said...

Dewey!! You were really trying?? No Way!! We don't think you need a bikey thing to lose weight... which our human mom needs!!!

So enjoy midnight snack, ok? :)

Momo & Pinot

Joe Stains said...

omdog mom thinks she lost 5 lbs laughing at you on that bike, lol. maybe you should do that weight watchers, but I think there is a lot of counting involved in that! hmmm sheesh, just don't do that bingy purgy stuff ok??

oh and you asked about the pool at our baseball field... you rent it out by game, and you get food and a free towel, but its like a billion dollars!!

Kelli said...

Hi Dewey!
I don't think you look pudgy at all! You must be in excellent shape to sit on that bike like that! It's amazing!
:) Tibby

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

R mommy used to give her galz, Cinnamon & Shanna, b4 us caramel rice cakes. The vet said that they were lower in calories than doggie biscuits. There R different flavors you culd ask yur mommy to git fur you. But, you don't look outa shape to us! We wouldn't worry, just do sum extra zoomies around the house each day.

-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Dewey, you sure made me and my mom laugh! I don't think you need to go on a diet at all. I think you just got stuck with bad camera angles, and maybe you are big boned?

Koobuss said...


You are absolutely handsome. You don't need that exercise bike at all. You look every bit as good as Toby.

Lorenza's right. Those bikes don't work. My mom has one down the cellar with lots of stuff stored on it and she hasn't lost one pound! So, don't waste your time, Dewey.

Just make sure that you don't miss any snacks. You wouldn't want to get weak. Then you'll never be able to keep up with Toby.

Good luck!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Noah the Airedale said...

OMG Dewey, we thought you were going to fall off that contraption matie. You must be a clever boy to stay on there. Well done.
We think you look pretty good actually.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hi Dewey,

Is that the real you perched on that real bike? I mean, how did you balance yourself? I know I can't. Or may be...I'll try it out. Mercury's exercise bike is antique when compared to Gram's and I know for sure that the brakes have gone bald (She's happy about it because it's now easier for her to pedal five kilometers.)

I don't know about its effectiveness though. Mercury pedals that bike for about 45 minutes everyday and she still continues to gain weight.

Now if you ask me - the best way to reduce your weight is - make friends with bigger dogs (hee hee!) or...get a mirror that makes you look slimmer (gee!) You may want to import a Chinese weighing machine - they never show you your right weight:)

Send me your thinking hat, and I'll come up with some more bright ideas. Giving up your favorite food is a horrible idea - don't ever do that.

Licks n wags,

Eric said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Oh my dog Dewey. I nearly peed myself laughing at those photies of you on the bikie!!!!. I even biggified each one. See if Gram was learning a lot of that photoshopping on your Florida hols. Mom says her belly hurts from laughing so much.Specially when you are sitting on that saddle..haaaaaa that was so wagging funny.....

Now Dewey. I don't think you need to diet.BUT. I do think you need to get yourself a decent get up for exercising. One of them tracking suits. And I'll send you my legwarmers.

Wiry wags...Harararaaaaaa,ooohhhhhoooooo

Eric xxxx

Eric said...

Still laughing - Dad came to have a look at the biggified photies of you now he's snorting like a piggie too...

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Duke said...

OMG, you better get down from there before you fall, Dewey!
We don't see an ounce of fat on you! We think you look perfect just the way you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chef said...

Dewey, you're hilarious! How did you stay up there without falling off? Bet you made Gram very nervous perched up there like that!

Anyway, it doesn't look to me like you need to lose any weight but if you did, maybe you can go on the Smartforlife Cookie diet. You'll get to eat cookies all day long and lose weight at the same time. We know someone who lost 60 pounds on that diet. But don't stay on it for long because then you'll just disappear and I'd miss you very much. So tell Gram to get you on it for a few days, ok?

Also, tell Gram that if the bike isn't working for her, it's great for hanging the laundry to dry. Our exercise bike's been in the basement for years and that's what Mama uses it for!!

And btw, don't even think of giving up your treats, Dewey! I don't even want to think about what your life would be like without treats. Promise me you won't even consider it!!


Anonymous said...

Though I am not a bird, I wanted to find out what it's like to be twittering (or tweeting, as they say it:))

I am sending you an invite for joining twitter. (Check email.) Let's experiment. ( If I know your Gram, she must already be on twitter:) - Mercury's such a laggard.

Licks n wags,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD>>>those pix weren't photoshopped were they? Hmm....

Paws off to ya....we have NO IDEA how the heck you posed like that....

Seriously, Dewey...you're in pawfect shape...Lakies are just a little more ribby than foxies...I'm all ribby too...

Now don't u go starvin' urself just so you can lookie like Toby...You are your own Dog, Dewey...

And we like you just fine the way you are...

Wanna go on a date when I'm un-grounded????

Love and kisses...Laciegirlie

Eric said...

Dewey, He,hee!! We was laughing WITH you pal. Mastering that bi cycle machine. Marvelous. How did you do balance??? Yikes Gram didn't GLUE you on there did she? Must have been some huge bribery from Gram huh? Luccckkkkky boy. I wag you just the way you are. Now never give up the treats pal cos since I've had to give up treats for my allergies I'm all fur and bonios. Like a size 0.Not so hot to trot like you. Going on that date with Lacie?? Haaaaa!!!

Wiry wags pal, Eric xx

Dexter said...

Don't do it! You look great the way you are. I hate to see you working so hard on that evil machine just to lose a few pounds. Next thing you'll be sticking your paw down your throat.


P.S. I do have to give you credit for getting on that thing. How ever did you manage?

Jake of Florida said...

Dear Dewster -- As two "roly poly porky dogs" (or at least that's what mom calls us when we beg for snacks between meals), we think you look terrierific!!! How in the world you've learned to use that exercise bicycle is beyond us -- but a tribute to wirey smarts -- and hilariousness!!!

We suspect that if you were -- perish the thought -- to be plucked or stripped, you'd soon look like Toby.

But for now, as the song kinda' goes, "Don't change a fur for me, not if you cur for me, stay dear Dewey Dewster stay..." "just the way you are tonight." (oops, that's a different song!!)

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

TwoSpecialWires said...

Dewey... we were here a coupla days ago and you were sittin on that bike. We just came back and you are STILL sittin on that bike! Your bum must hurt, bad, by now. Whatever you decide to do, dooey, do it in moderation!

It makes our butt cheeks sore just THINKIN about you sittin there for so long.

(We think you look great...BTW)
Jake and Fergi

William Tell said...

You sound like a candidate for Jackson's Substantial Wire Club (we're big-boned, you know). Pop on over to his blog or mine and click on the icon for more information. I'm a proud member myself, and I can tell you, it's a lot more fun than exercising and makeovers!

Happy Tails,
William Tell
