Did ya think only Ripley could have a "Believe it or not?" Well, I'm here ta tell ya that Dewey Dewster thinks that Dewey Dewster can have a "believe it or not" too....
Now, ya might ask what I have that is so special that no one would "believe it" so I'm here ta tell ya what.
I'm sure that ya all know by now that I am such a well-behaved guy.....always respectful of Gram 'n Pap.....always mindin' my manners...why I'm an angel fer sure.....Mom and Toby too.
Now ya saw some of my Gram's gardens the other day....but what ya didn't see was some of the stuff they have ta do ta make sure that there is a garden around here at all.
Now, Pap is pretty resourceful when it comes ta bein' one step ahead of us....'n he's had ta adapt pretty quickly ta changin' times around here....we change....'n he steps up ta the task at hand....
Take the deck steps fer instance......
Here I am standin' at the top lookin' down.......do ya see the chicken wire on the left side there by the railing?
Do ya see those backs on the steps there?......did ya ever see any backs on deck steps before?
See that? That's more chicken wire on the right side of the steps too.
There's backs on all the steps 'n chicken wire on both sides of the railing. Can ya guess why???
Well, I 'll tell ya why......we like ta stand at the top 'o the steps 'n drop the ball down (ta see where it lands of course). Did ya know a ball won't always just go right down the steps ? Sometimes it runs off the side....sometimes it falls through the back 'o the steps......'n then it lands.......... 'n where do ya think it lands ?
Why it lands right in Gram's flower garden...that 's where..... "n guess what happens ???? Come on ya can guess.......give it a try......aren't ya all doggies like we are......well maybe some of ya aren't but most of ya are..........now what would ya do if yer ball fell in the garden, huh? We go off the side of the steps or out the back of the steps ta retrieve it fer sure....... I mean it's ours and we can't get it unless we do...........so off we go.........
Now there's a fence around the flower beds so if we get ourselves in there....we can't get out.....cause the fence was put there ta keep us out not ta keep us in.....
'n once we're stuck in there behind that fence all we do is dig........why ? ....cause we're tryin' ta get out fer sure.....
Do ya get the picture here? Cause it's not our fault at all, I tell ya.......no siree...it's all a big maze that we get stuck inta and there is just no simple way out........... Now there's some of Gram's black-eyed Susans behind the fence....'n some of her dahlias behind the fence....
And along the other side of the yard are some more tomatoes and pepper plants behind a fence with the yard fence behind them......confusin' isn't it?
Then there's the chicken wire that's on the gate cause Toby was squeezin' right between the slats.....that fixed him but he's jumpin' pretty high now so he may just go over it soon........
"n then there's the barrier Pap had ta put up ta keep us from runnin' around in circles around the veggie garden cause all the grass got ripped out by it's roots with all the speed we can get up goin' 'round the corners....
"n now that I got that all off my chest.....I'm sure that ya will all take our side 'n say that this really was not necessary....especially fer such a group of terrific terriers as we are.
Now look inta this innocent face 'n tell me that ya think we did not deserve ta be foiled at every turn here with fences... 'n stair backs.... 'n barriers all over the place......
Well, believe it or not........the barriers 'n fences 'n stair backs are here 'n here ta stay.....but why ????
Can't ya just see my angel wings ready ta spout????
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' from our backyard fortress..... believe it or not.......
Another Award
Yep, we almost fergot that we got another award from our dear boxer friend Chef...thank ya, thank ya Chef......fer the big puffy heart award....
We hope we can live up ta the honor....