Hi ya bloggies,
I tell ya technology is great except when it isn't....if ya know what I mean.......
I was tryin' ta file an important report usin' one of Gram's old programs......'n when I filed the report....it looked great.
Then when I had ta reduce the size of it....it didn't look so great anymore.....
But since it took 2 hours ta make, I'm filin' it anyway.
Ya may be able ta tell that I got a haircut....so now I look a lot more PROFESSIONAL......but very
bare- butted........
bare- butted........
'N I used some silly stuff in my slide-show......
If ya can see it anyway...........here it is...........................bigified as it is............
A Dewey Dewster report on taking a walk, getting new chewies and checking out brothers truck.
A Dewey Dewster report on taking a walk, getting new chewies and checking out brothers truck.
Well, my report was supposed ta speak volumes but now it seems like ya need a magnifying glass ta read it.......
But ya can get the idea....can't ya???? I'm virtually neeked 'n now it's cold here.....yikes.......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on us all Walkin'.....Chewin' our new chewies and checkin' out big brudder Brian's truck.......
Over and out..................