Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our Week in the Country

Hi ta everyone....

We just got home after more than a week at the cottage and we always have a lot ta do there. More than anything we just love all the room we have ta run and play.
We always have ta have covers over the furniture cause we come right in from outside wet, dirty or both and get right up on it.

I got Gram ta take a lot of video so ya can see what we do there. There is one of us playing ball with crab apples, my Mom curlin' up in a little pan, of us swimmin' and of us playin' with some new stuffed snakes that Gram bought us. Then there's a slideshow of stills Gram took of us too.

We hope ya have the time ta see 'em all and that ya enjoy 'em.....

We sure had a good time makin' 'em....

First, we wanted ta show ya a bit of the pretty things up here and us playin' in our pool. 'N if ya wanted ta find out how Mom gets inta those a little it is...

Here we are up at our Uncle Donny's place playin' ball with crab apples. And we got some special toys ta play with too....

And then Gram made a slideshow of us doin' lots of stuff while we were there..sit back 'n have a look.....

Don't know how ya all get video uploaded ta Blogger....we never could...sometimes we can get it uploaded ta Google video but then the code produces nothin' on the blog but a black screen. So this time after hours trying every which way, we put it on YouTube....hope the code works......

Now we're back home after our stay in the woods....we'll be back again fer another visit later in the month....boy, we sure love it there....hope ya all had the chance ta have some fun too......

We're all waitin' fer some news on Jackson's tests taday...boy, sure hope that dogstar was bright enough......

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on fun at the cottage.....
