Monday, February 23, 2009

No Fun Fer the Furries

Hello Blogland.....

Bet ya thought we fell off the edge of the earth...didn't ya???? What Gram ??? The earth doesn't have an edge ta it ??? Oops.....sorry.....

Well, bet ya thought we went inta hibernation, didn't ya ??? Well, we shoulda gone inta hibernation.....cause it's been cold as a witch's noochie 'round here fer sure.......

Nothin' but cold 'n snow.....'n wind too.....

But we got all excited over the weekend cause we heard there was goin' ta be a party.

Yep, a birthday party....'n we love those.....cause it means cake 'n ice cream.....'n silly hats too....

But most of all it means FUN........FUN........FUN......!!!!!

So we started tryin' ta make sure we were invited ta the party cause it wasn't at our was at bruver Scott's......

Mom was doin' tricks ta make sure she could go.....

Why, she was even beggin' ta get some of that yummy cake......

Toby was layin' down too...ta make sure he could go....cause he just loves food.....any kinda he REALLY wanted ta GO !!!!!

He's learnin' ta sit up too and he was practicin' so he'd get some cake..........

But my Mom got all bummed out when she heard that we weren't allowed ta go at all....

Nope, we had ta stay home....this was a people party fer baby Parker cause on February 18, he was one year old......

The party was on Sunday the 22nd cause then the big people didn't have ta go ta work......

Would ya look at that cake that we didn't get ta taste !!!!!!!! Why, that looks like Horton Who Heard a Hoo.....silly blue elephant......

Then cause 1st birthdays are special, Parker got a little cake all fer himself. Can ya imagine ????

What would he do with a cake all ta himself....that shoulda been fer us........

He got put inta a booster seat so everyone could watch 'em try ta eat his special cake......

Now look at what a mess Parker makes with his special cake.....why he's eatin' it with his paws and everyone knows yer not supposed ta do that.......nope we would never do that.......

I guess that's what birthday boys are supposed ta do with special cakes cause none of the big people seemed ta be upset with all that mess.......

'N there's the birthday boy with his Dad and Great Gram.......

Put 'em in the bath tub right away......!!!!!!

Well, back at the ranch........we just want ta say we're sorry we haven't been around lately. Gram said the computer was hurtin' our eyes 'n we needed a bit of a rest......
'N on Friday we're leavin' fer Florida.....yep...all of us.....'n Gram 'n Pap too.
We said we'd take 'em along fer a bit of a vacation.
It's 1,000+ miles from here so we have a 3 day trip ahead of us......'n Toby gets car sick.....
We'll make him sit in the trunk........

We'll try ta visit ya all when we can, but we're hopin' ta have Fun......Fun.......Fun.....while we're in the Sunshine state.........
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on Beggin'.....Birthdays.......'n Vacations.....
