Friday, October 9, 2009

Researchin' Important Matters..........

Hey there bloggies......

Here I am again usin' my noggin' ta delve inta important news stories that I heard Gram talkin' about the other day.

Health Care.......

Have ya heard about it ????

Did ya know there's a big debate about it all over the country ????

Well, I figured that if it is all that IMPORTANT......well, I better get on the puter 'n see what was what......

This time I used Gram's laptop......ta search the web fer info on all this health care business that the whole country is talkin' about......

So, they're gonna vote on it next week.....uuuummmmm....wonder what's in that ya know ??????

Well, I sure don't but I bet it's important ta everyone.......maybe even me....'n my Mom.....'n silly Toby too.......

Ya have ta really research stuff before ya feel good about things those POLY-TICIANS are gonna vote on......cause that means that they're gonna pass a bill that will become LAW.......

'N that's somethin' we all care about. Now I heard that people were all up in arms about the fact that the bill might extend health care coverage ta illegal aliens. Do ya think that provision is in this bill????
Well, how about us ????
I mean Me..... 'n my Mom.....'n Toby too......are we in the bill ????
Will we get guaranteed health care coverage??????
I mean ......what if we get sick ????? Are we covered ?????

Well, we sure don't know.....but we want all the senators and all the representatives in Congress ta read the bill before they vote on it.........

So I filled in the petition so that my representatives in Congress get the message.....
Hey I have a representative in Congress ??????

What ????
Should I look that up too ?????

Well, I tell ya that I am pretty tired lookin' inta that computer screen and I am gonna let my eyes rest a spell.....

I mean there's toys ta play with 'n beds ta get warm.......ya have ta spread yerself around.....

Don't be thinkin' that I'm gonna ferget about all this......
No siree......
I'm gonna follow-up ta make sure those Congress people do what is right........

In the meantime.......I have somethin' that's a bit easier readin' ......ta relax with..........

Can ya guess why I just love this book ??????

'N ya can bet that the Wire Fox NOT the DUMB WITNESS..........
Have a great weekend everyone......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on researchin' health care reform......'n readin' about fox terriers......
