Hi Ya Bloggies.....
Why....I hardly ever get ta see ya anymore.....
Do ya wonder Why ???
Well, I'll tell ya why.......
I got a job.........
Yep.......I got a REAL REPORTER JOB
Gram said I needed ta help ta pay fer our food now......sheesh, I didn't think I ate THAT MUCH....
So I prepared my resume
sent it right out.
I even enclosed a picture of myself with my trusty camera case and cool shades....
Just so they would know that I had the right equipment and that I looked like a REAL REPORTER....
I look much more professional when I'm the one takin' the pictures.....
I hate that flash beastie.....
I hate that flash beastie.....
I had ta submit a sample of my work ta be considered fer the job.....
So we hopped inta the car and went up ta Grandma Judy's......
'Cause we heard there were some new babies there.......
Ya can all tell me if ya think I filed a GOOD REPORT....
Well.....what do ya think ???? Aren't those babies just darlin' ?
I rest my case......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on bein'
Real Reporter
New Babies at Grandma Judy's.......
And ta every Dad out there......
Have a Great Father's Day this Sunday !!!