Friday, August 15, 2008

He Took Me Out to the Ballgame.......

Hello out there in blogland.....

The other night I had a date with Jake of the Barkalot Boyz. We went to a baseball game and watched the Marlins play the Cardinals in Florida. Since I am far away from Florida, Jake sent his personal Heron-cam to pick me up. I think he already told you a bit about the evening.

I must say that was some could actually see those fluffy clouds below your feet. They were so soft looking..... it felt like I could just walk on them in my bare feet right up to heaven. The air flowing around Heron-cam was cool and refreshing and he was extra careful not to go too fast. I enjoyed watching the tops of buildings and the cities below as we flew by....I wish I would have remembered my camera..... the scenery was spectacular.........I was served pretzels and bottled water and didn't even have to pay for it....

Jake was being a bit modest when he said that we didn't do anything special at the game. We were cheering pretty loudly for the Cardinals but please don't tell anyone from the Burgh that I opened my mouth to cheer for another team. I talked Jake into putting on his Cardinals baseball cap. Didn't he look swell in it??? And happy too !!!!

At one point there was a heated argument on the field and I went out to see how it felt to stand on the pitchers mound while all those men were busy discussing the problem at hand.....and Jake ran out and got me a baseball. One of the players threw it in anger and he caught it in his mouth just for me...... tsk, tsk...not a nice thing to do...throwing balls in toss.....your gain........
He was pretty proud of catching that ball and he held onto it for a long time before he actually gave it to me. Really, I had to pry it out of his mouth cause it was sort of stuck there since he had it there so long.

But then he got very gallant and sat on his chair at home and presented me the ball in his very own baseball glove.... Wasn't that sweet???? I just love to play ball.....

Besides all the good food we had, I also got a souvenir Cardinals cap (which I had to file away under "Forbidden in the Burgh".) Sorry about that Jake.....I do want to reach the age of seven without incident.......Pittsburgh sports fans can be so unforgiving......but I love it anyway..... And my very own baseball...which I have hidden from Dewey so that I can actually have something to play with when he is not around. Gee, I hope he goes out on a date with that little Callie he met at earthdog. Can you imagine how much ball playing I can get in if he is gone for hours or better still overnight?????

Now there's something I can sink my teeth into......

Wow, it was an exciting evening and I am happy that I got to see it even if it wasn't a Pirates game. Who won anyway?????? After Jake caught the ball, I really didn't care......

Thanks Jake for a great time !!!!!!!! And if you ever want to try earthdog, please let me know.... I bet if we tried....we could have dug an earthdog tunnel under that pitchers mound..........

This is Asta Marie reportin' on my baseball game date....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Waggin' Wednesday...A Date, News and An Award

Hello's me Asta Marie.....

I am so excited to report that I have been invited out on a date with Jake of Florida of the Barkalot Boys.

Oops...I guess I should get up and decide what to wear as we are going to a baseball game this evening in Florida to watch the Marlins play the Cardinals and I have nothing to wear...... or do I?

Here is Jake's invitation......

Is it too late for you to join me tonight at the Cardinals-Marlins game? If so, there's tomorrow night. It's a good thing we didn't go last night though 'cause the game was stopped for rain -- although you might have enjoyed curling up inside a player's batting helmet!!One more thing, in the interest of full disclosure -- before you and I first barked at each other, I had written to Princess Willow, of the Zoo Crew, to see if Just Harry and I could be her fellows, because we had fallen in love with her puppy face. She never answered until now, and, as you can imagine, I'm a bit embarrassed, since you and I have just gotten to know each other and I'm not a Don Jake kind of guy. Just Harry is kind of happy about this, because he wasn't so keen on sharing anyway and is very eager to go out with Princess Willow all by himself. Hoping you'll understand...



And again.....when I asked about what I should wear and if it was supposed to rain.

Dear Asta Marie,

Thanks for being so understanding. Right now, I don't see any rain -- but this is South Florida and you never know. It will be really hot, though, that I can promise. How about if I bring the umbrella and you bring your hat? We'll have hot dogs and perhaps a soft pretzel, with a cold drink. They have ice cream too, I heard. And catching balls at the game is a sport in itself, so you be ready!!! Some folks bring their own gloves. I've asked our heron-cam to pick you up --he's a reliable fellow, remember he flew all the way to San Francisco with our folks -- and to be sure you get home safely. The game starts at 7:10.And, uh, could you post a perty photo on your blog -- with or without hat -- so everyone will believe it's really you with me.



So I am being picked up by the heron-cam and I am pawsitively obsessing over what hat to wear...

Shall I be elegant like the idle rich ??

Or even hoity-toity like the super rich?????

Or should I dress down for the occassion and sport a baseball cap advertising my home team???

Actually, I think this one fits a bit better...what do you think?????

So I am waiting for heron-cam to pick me up and I am really getting excited. It is fun getting ready for a date and even more fun thinking about my first meeting with Jake. Wow, wish me luck.....


Jackson Update

In case you haven't heard the latest news.......This was the latest report issued by the J's.

Jackson is doing well and is now out of intensive care. He will almost certainly be allowed home on Friday afternoon.

We're putting his proper birthday celebrations on hold until he's well enough to enjoy them fully but we do hope you'll drop by his blog on Friday to wish him a Happy Barkday!

Wow...all our wishing on the dogstar, barking and prayers have been answered....PAWSOME....

Don't forget to stop by Jax Blog and wish him a happy barkday on if we would ever forget....


Do You Have Room in Your Hearts and Homes?

Or do you know someone else who might????? Here is a little girl who has had a hard life and has been rescued from a puppymill.

She is 8 years old and now up for adoption and her name is Darcy.......

Maybe someone has met a person who admired their WFT and might have some interest? She is not a "bouncing off the walls" wire but more of a lapdog. She needs to be in an only dog home but because she is so laid back, does not necessarily need a WFT-experienced home.

For more information contact Julie at's hopin' you find the best forever home and forever deserve it.......


A Bronze Medal

I am proud to have been awarded the bronze medal for swimming in the Pawlimpics. I accept it with much appreciation to Lenny and his parents who have spent so much time putting together the Pawlimpics and for all the joy it has brought doggies and their keepers around the world. But then that's what Pawlimpics are all about.....erasing borders.....

And here I am in the winning entry in my little swimming pool cooling off......


Wow, that was does Dewey do this all the time?????

This is Asta Marie, WFT reporting on lots of stuff...........

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Wonderful Sunday

Happy weekend ta ya all....

Well, the weekend is just about over but we had a great day taday, Sunday, at earthdog practice..... The weatherman was callin' fer rain and cooler temperatures and so when we left this morning, we watched those big black clouds hang over Pittsburgh.......

Here's the Mon River again from the movin' car as we passed thru the city on our way ta the country....

Ya gotta love those bridges, don't ya???? and the hills too and the water....but we just kept on goin'........

We got put in the X-pen so Gram and Pap could attend the earthdog club meetin'....'n talk ta some new friends they made....

I don't know if ya remember Slider, the Welsh terrier from our first earthdog post....but here he is again with a new little sister, Callie.....also a Welsh terrier....Slider is on the right. Callie is a real cutie pie.....'n if I wasn't so intent on gettin' those rats taday...I woulda checked 'er out more....since Lacie was mean ta us maybe Callie would be willin' ta have a date with me. I guess I need ta ask 'er Mom, Linda, first before I approach 'er.....but isn't she a sweet little thing????

'We get ta see 'em both again next week when we go back fer the tests....can't wait.......

Now we had a good practice taday and Gram got some good video so ya can see what we do at earthdog practice.....Here it is....

After we were finished practicin' Gram went around and took some video of all the activity goin' on and there was a bunch of it....have a look see.....

Gee wasn't that a wild Sunday ?????? Can ya tell everyone had FUN FUN FUN ?????

Oh, one more thing...Gram was shoppin' in the Mall and found a sort of stuffed Wire Fox Terrier in a store there....Wait til ya see it....

And she also made a new batch of clay dogs for the Earthdog auction...they got dropped off taday but this slideshow has pictures of the clay dogs and the new stuffed dog....
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We had a swell time taday and we're all pretty tired. Hope your Sunday was great too.....Oh, and it waited til tonight ta rain....aren't we lucky ?????

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on our great Sunday.......
