It's me, Dewey Dewster reportin' on a special doggie that made the news taday...
Bet ya already heard about 'er....Her name is Buttons and she just had a litter of 18 Dalmatian puppies.........18.........did ya hear that......'n they're all excited about a girl havin' 18 puppies......
What about the father that sired all of those.....what do ya think about him, huh? Now there's a dog that should be the subject of water-cooler office talk fer months ta come.....

A British couple are seeing spots before their eyes, but their vision is 20/20. The spots are the ones bedecking a record litter of Dalmatian puppies — 18, to be exact.
That’s 83 Dalmatians short of the proverbial 101. But this is real life, not a Disney movie, and the tally is still impressive.
On Friday, TODAY show viewers got their first live look at what is being called the largest litter ever delivered by a Dalmatian. Born by Caesarean section on Dec. 23 to Button — a purebred that, appropriately enough, is a daughter of one of the stars of “102 Dalmatians” (the sequel to “101 Dalmatians”) — the pups posed in all their glorious cuteness in the home of Button’s owners, Nicola and Adam Morley. For more of the story click here

Just then the phone rang and when I answered it, it was the vets office callin' ta confirn our appointment on Monday fer somethin' called "Neutering" what do ya suppose that means ?????
Whatever it is, the appointment is fer both me 'n Toby..........I better look it up in this book.......

I can't wait ta get a nice car ride on Monday with Toby ta meet our prospective Sweetie Pies......future Mothers of our children.......the perfect girls ta carry on our bloodlines.... 'n our names too......
Bet yer excited fer us too.....aren't ya ???????
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on procreatin' future generations of terriers........