Hi Bloggies,
Gee, I tell ya there is just no ideal way ta deal with
OLD PEOPLE........
'N by OLD PEOPLE, I mean Gram.....
Yep, she has not let me use the computer fer months
'n that meant that I had no way ta update my blog.
Yep, she has not let me use the computer fer months
'n that meant that I had no way ta update my blog.
Yep...Gram 'n Pap have kept me pretty busy workin' 'round here....
.'n I mean work....
.'n I mean work....
I ask ya....do I look even a little bit happy here?
I wanna tell ya I thought this was ta be a relaxin' visit ta the Sunshine State.
I wanna tell ya I thought this was ta be a relaxin' visit ta the Sunshine State.
Now that was not ta be because Gram had somethin' else in mind....
'n that was paintin'.
As ya can see I was chosen ta paint the whole place......
a big job fer a little guy like me.
All by my little terrier self......
'n that was paintin'.
As ya can see I was chosen ta paint the whole place......
a big job fer a little guy like me.
All by my little terrier self......
My paws are worn down ta the bone.....
'n I'm lookin' fer a long rest so I can get my energy back again.
'n I'm lookin' fer a long rest so I can get my energy back again.
Gram and Pap promised us that if we helped ta create a transformation in this place,
we would get a special treat.
So we did.
we would get a special treat.
So we did.
We live in a mobile home here and this is what the house looked like when we bought it last year.
'N after workin' fer months 'n months....
This is what the place looks like now....
Still not finished but lookin' a bit spiffier....
Thanks ta yers truly.....
Dewey Dewster.....
canine painter.....
This is what the place looks like now....
Still not finished but lookin' a bit spiffier....
Thanks ta yers truly.....
Dewey Dewster.....
canine painter.....
So since we got the place in order.........
We wanted our special treat.........
We all hopped on the golf cart and waited........
We wanted ta go ta the pavilion 'n play ball and go inta the water too.......
'n we weren't gettin' off the golf cart until we were there......
Now I tell ya that it is pretty hot around here
And we started our ball playin' in the yard at the pavilion.....
But that was really tirin'.......
So we got inta the water and played there....
Much better, I tell ya.....
Cool, clean water......
And a heavenly clean BALL too !!!!!
But I tell ya that after ya have fun, there's always a down-side ta the day.......
We were now pretty smelly.....
And covered with sand.....
So we needed a BATH.........
I tell ya that the Peepers always can manage ta ruin a perfectly fine day........
We were surely happy bein' full of sand and smelly too......
Ya can never make Gram 'n Pap happy unless yer clean too ........
We want ta leave ya with somethin' that will make ya smile.
Babies are universally darlin' creatures
And here is a picture of a baby sandhill crane followin' his mamma around the yard.
Ain't he cute?
Well, I have a lot more ta tell ya but Gram wants ta use the computer
So I'm gettin' the EVIL EYE ta get off it right now.....
Like I actually got ta use it the whole time we were here.....fer sure....
OK Gram, I'm signin' off.....
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' that we're all still alive and reasonably happy......
Bein' smelly and sandy are wonderful......
Baths will always stink.......