Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dewey Dewster ...Catchin' Up and Announcin' Somethin' New in the App Store !

Hi ya Bloggies,
I tell ya that I really need ta get a handle on this blog.
I can hardly believe that it has been so long since I made a post.
That is what happens when ya are way to busy bossin' everyone around.

I spend a good deal of my day surveyin' my world ta make sure that no vermin.....
or uninvited people are invadin' my territory.
That is a fulltime job, I tell ya....a fulltime job.

But I really try ta keep everything safe fer the peepers.....
cause I need them ta feed us since we still haven't figured out how ta do it ourselves.
But we are workin' on that.....
so stay tuned for further developments in our quest to become independent.

Now ya may be wonderin' about my Mom too.
See 'er ?
There she is and she is still doing fine with no evidence
of any regrowth of that big bad tumor that she had.

It has been more than a year now since Gram found that nasty lump
 in her right hind leg
and more than a year since the first surgery that my Mom had ta remove it.

That first surgery did not get it all and a second surgery was necessary but that one.....performed by a board certified surgeon at the Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center ......was the surgery that removed all of that bad stuff in my Mom's leg.
But Gram was told that unless Mom had 20 to 25 radiation treatments that tumor would come back again with a vengeance since the margins were not good.
But Gram found the Dr. Budwig Cancer Diet (which is really fer peepers) and another site ( Testimonials of Dog and Cat Cancer Healed ) showing how that diet has been adapted ta treat pets fer the same problems.
So my Mom has been gettin' that Dr. Budwig protocol plus vitamins and supplements since last December and so far so good.
If ya know any peepers with cancer
or any doggies or cats with cancer check out this site.
Now on ta what kind of excitement we have been havin' lately.
There's Toby, who is always waggin' that silly tail of his and smilin' too.

He likes ta play with toys.....he REALLY likes ta play with toys.
He likes ta roll on the carpet and play a lot by himself.
As soon as I go outside, he grabs a toy and wants Gram 'n Pap ta play with him.

That is probably 'cause when I am in the house, I control the toys !
And that is the way it should be.
But I guess that isn't too excitin' it ????

Hear Ye.... Hear Ye..... Hear Ye
Bigsaw - Go Beyond Jigsaw
 is now available in the App Store
(Click on the Icon above ta read more about it)
Bigsaw Designer - Go Beyond Jigsaw: An Innovative Tap-based Picture-Puzzle App with ability to Create, Save, and Manage your puzzle-collections as albums.
Ya can play with puzzles in the albums that are built in this App.
Ya can create yer own albums with yer own pictures ta make inta jigsaw puzzles
 and save them forever, if ya want ta.
If ya have an iPad, follow this link ta download yer own copy taday. I can tell ya that ya may see some familiar faces in the puzzles in this game.....some pretty handsome faces....fer sure.
Well, may all of you Bloggies have a really great day and if I ferget ta post again fer such a long time, shoot me a peemail reminder ta get off of my perch and get back ta writin'.
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on what I have been doin', how my Mom is, and a really great new iPad App called Bigsaw..........
