Do you remember when my Mom won all those ribbons......
'n the titles ta go with 'em by goin' inta a silly little tunnel
ta try ta finds some rats in cages at the end of it ?
Do ya remember ya ????
Silly ribbons.....silly titles.....silly job....
Now I....Dewey a real earthdog cause I don't need ta go inta a tunnel ta capture a
I can capture a vermin by patrollin' our yard and sniffin' round.....
Yep, when I get out there, I know if somethin' has been there that doesn't belong.....
Like the other day....I went out and smelled somethin' that wasn't quite right.....
Somethin' moved in MY YARD that didn't belong there.......
'N I had ta teach 'em a lesson......
I guess ya know what it was....don't ya? was a RAT !!!!!
'N somehow or other..... he ended up in my mouth....see 'em in there ????
I was pretty proud of that RAT....I tell ya......
I caught it fair 'n square......
I am the KING of the YARD cause I caught the VERMIN in our yard........
My Mom 'n Toby wanted ta take my Rat away but I wouldn't let 'em.......cause he was MINE !!!!!
'N if that rat wasn't bad enough.....
I discovered another VERMIN in our yard.....
but I could never get 'em. I knew he was there though....
'n so did Gram 'n Pap too cause when they went ta pick their one and only cantalope outta the garden....
they found out that it was gone.....not a trace of it was left either....
So Pap put out the trap ta see what he could catch.....
He caught a raccoon........see 'em in there ?????
Why he ate Gram's prize cantalope....he did...the little piggie.....
Silly Raccoon....
He needed ta go fer a long ride ta find a new home cause we didn't want 'em here..........
We got ta check 'em out before he left so we would remember what a raccoon smelled like....
just in case some of his relatives stopped by later on.......
So as ya can see there was a lot of excitement aound our house lately......
But as usual, I, Dewey Dewster......saved the day......
Yep.......there's nothin' quite as special as havin' Dewey Dewster around.......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on all the vermin I have had ta take care of's a tough job but someone has ta do it..........