A lot has happened the past week or so and I finally got Gram ta sit down fer a spell so she could help us tell ya all about it.
Last Saturday and Sunday were the Earthdog tests and my Mom was entered inta Senior Earthdog cause she got her Junior title last year. 'N I was entered inta Junior Earthdog again cause last year I didn't do nothin' last year....nope, not a thing....had ta take the test all over again.....nerve wrackin' fer sure.....
So off we went on Saturday on the Pa. Turnpike ta get ta Woodside......'n guess what happened???? Just as we got onta the turnpike, the car got sick....it wouldn't go....'n this is what happened ta us.....

Can ya imagine us there in the car all by our lonesome....wonderin' if we were gonna get ta Woodside alive while the car is goin' down the road without anyone at the wheel.....scary.....yes siree.... downright scary fer sure.... (it was a transmission collant hose that broke, scary but not fatal)
We had ta call brother Scott ta pick us up at the car dealer where the car was towed and take us ta our house ta get the other car 'n then we were back on the road on the way ta Donegal. Finally we arrived at Woodside just in time fer the tests.

Now I wanna tell ya that it was really hot both Saturday and Sunday and they had little kiddie pools set up so the doggies could cool off cause chasin' rats in a tunnel is hard work. This is me in our pool at the cottage but ya get the idea........

Now before I tell ya what happened those 2 days, just remember that I did tell ya that my Mom is a better earthdog than I am and so ya sure won't be surprised ta see what she got last Saturday and Sunday.....
Those 2 ribbons are fer Senior Earthdog.....ya have ta pass the Senior Earthdog test 3 times so my Mom has ta pass it one more time ta get 'er Senior Earthdog title. But see how many ribbons she already has......sheesh.....looks like a friggin' monument doesn't it?????
I can tell ya none of those ribbons are fer me......
Why, ya may ask ????
Well, because I did the same thin' this year that I did last year......
What's that ????
Why, nothin'....not a thing...nada.....I laid a bunch of eggs......I was afraid of the earthdog judge...'n I didn't want ta go inta the tunnel when the judge was at the end of it. Even more frightenin' is the fact that the stop watch they use makes a noise that sounds like the warnin' beep on our electric fence collars....'n once I heard that I wanted outta there pronto........scat man Dewey.......
Gram says I need a new name.....can't use Dewey Dewster anymore....nope....need ta be called Dewey the Dudd or Dewey the Dunce........got me a dunce cap which I thought was rather stylish....don't ya think ????? But I wanted ta know what a dunce was so I got on Gram's computer 'n googled it ta see what kinda guy I was gonna be from now on.....
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A dunce is a person incapable of learning.
The word is derived from the name of the great Scholastic theologian and philosopher John Duns Scotus, whose works on logic, theology and philosophy were accepted textbooks in the universities from the 14th century. Duns or Dunsman was a name applied by early opponents to the followers of Duns Scotus, who were less disparagingly called the Scotists. Hence the term came to refer to anyone devoted to sophistry in their argumentation. When, in the 16th century, the Scotists obstinately opposed the new learning (i.e., the English Renaissance), the term duns or dunce became, in the mouths of the humanists and reformers, a term of abuse, a synonym for one incapable of scholarship. Dunces are often comedically shown wearing paper cone hats, known as dunce caps, with the word "dunce" or "dumb", or simply a capitalized "D" on them. Schoolchildren were sometimes compelled to wear a dunce cap and to sit in a stool in the corner as a form of humiliating punishment for misbehaving or for failing to demonstrate that they had properly performed their studies.
Sheesh, It sounds like I'm not ever gonna learn how ta go inta the tunnel while that judge is sittin' there.
I sure don't want ta be Dewey the dunce....nope....no siree....not in a million years.
What can I do so that I'm not afraid of the earthdog judge ????? HELP me guys.....I can't let my Mom make me look like a schmuck here........
One last thing......Pap 'n Gram took Parker 'n my fur Dad, Fred....'n my fur brother George down ta the playground by their house......do ya think we all look alike ??? Do I favor my Dad more than my bro ????? My Dad is the one on the right....

Well, I guess I better start searchin the web on ways ta be more like my Mom so I can get some ribbons like hers......now what key-word search do I use fer that??????
This is Dewey the Dunce reportin' on earthdog ribbons, our sick car.. 'n my new name....
Have a great week everyone !!!!!!!