Well, Hello Blogland Friends,
We spent another week up at our cottage and while it is now October and they say that the lovely Fall colors should be arriving....we really didn't see the leaves changing up there.... We did have much cooler days and frosty nights and had the woodstove going but when the sun came out, it was just wonderful crisp, delightful Fall weather.
So we were just enjoying the freedom of havin' all that space ta run around in and listenin' ta all the noises that the wildlife were makin'.

Pap had a pile of wood that we really found interestin' cause there was somethin' in there fer sure.....we knew it...we heard it....it was squeakin'.... and we wanted it..... First my Mom was over there checkin' out that pile cause she knew there was a chipmunk in there and knew it shouldn't be there at all......

I couldn't go over there cause it was outside of the force field of our electric wireless fence....but I was sittin' there cryin' cause I needed ta help me Mom get that bugger...so Pap took off the collar and carried me over so I could help.
It was a really nice Fall day and we got pretty dirty diggin' in that woodpile and so Pap got out the hose and a pan so we could get cleaned off a bit.
We love ta chase the ball......now me 'n Mom were the major ball players but lately Toby decided that he loves ta play ball too....in fact he gets it most of the time now much ta our dismay. But here we all are chasin' it.....
Now when ya chase the ball and it gets down on the ground a lot...it gets pretty dirty......my Mom always likes ta wash it off so Gram and Pap don't stop throwin' it. But here I am the one tryin' ta get it clean.....
Now ya know that anytime there is a pan of water 'n we're hot from runnin' around, my Mom has ta get in and cool off. And this visit wasn't any different. Here she is gettin' her whole self inta that little pan of water......
Now we're pretty tired right now after all that activity.....'n it will take us a few days ta get rested up....but we know we'll be ready fer a walk tomorrow fer sure. It's always sad when we have ta leave the cottage cause of all the room we have there ta run but we know we'll be back there again soon.
Hope ya all have a chance ta enjoy the Fall weather just like we did !!!
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on our visit ta the cottage....