Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Season Comes Ta An End My Friends

Gee Whizz Everyone....

Doesn't it seem like the summer just flew day we were sweatin'... the next day we were freezin'.......well, now it seems like we're just gonna be freezin' least fer the near future anyway.

Now last Sunday it was still pretty the low fifties and sunny...but windy....and we had our last earthdog practice and meetin'.....So off we went ta the Donegal exit of the Pa. Turnpike ta get ta earthdog and have some fun, fun, fun....

Now we didn't get inta costumes so we're not in the pictures but there were some doggies who were dressed up and they looked pretty cute too.

Ya can click on the slideshow and make it full screen ta see it better.....and ya can change the timing so the pictures stay on longer too.....

Hope ya enjoy it......we're back at the cottage again fer a week and so we might not be around ta visit much since it take about 15 minutes fer one blog page ta load there with the tin-can dialup service. But we'll be sure ta catch up when we get back.......we'll be back ta VOTE !!!!! Make sure ya all do is a privilege ta do so.....fer sure....'n important too.....yes siree...

Fall Earthdog Meeting and Halloween Doggies

Picasa SlideshowPicasa Web AlbumsFullscreen

See ya soon and hope ya all have a Happy Halloween !!!!

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on Fall, Halloween 'n Earthdog.......
