Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Terrier Tale

Hi ya Bloggies,

I tell ya that I never get a chance ta post anymore but part of that problem is

 because nothin' special has been happenin' around here.

While everyone doggie in THIS HOUSE is sane, 

I can't say as much fer my father, Fred.....my fur father, that is....

and my looney brother, George. 

They both live with my hooman brother Scott and his family.....

far , far away.....just the way we like it. 

Ya don't want any more competition than ya can handle, do ya? 

Nope....didn't think so......but then neither do we......

Anyway....Gram 'n Pap were over ta the nutty terriers place recently 

and they took a few pictures so we could see what they were up ta. 

Nothin' interestin' I can truthfully say, but I'll show the pictures ta ya anyway.

There's a swingset in the backyard fer the kids....

really fer kids only....but ya know all about terriers....don't ya....

they always think everythin' is fer them too.

 So George was up in the little landing by the slide just lookin' silly.....

Silly George...checkin' out his domain....

'N he was a showin' off too..... lookin' around like he owns the place......

yep, he really is my brother....but please DO NOT TELL ANYONE ELSE, PLEASE.....

George..... Lookin' like he doesn't have a care in the world...

Then George got the brilliant idea ta give the slide a try..... 

so he moved over ta the top of the slide......

Ya all know how Dads can be....don't ya.....

Bossy.....very Bossy........indeed.....
Ah ha........Fred....did not want George ta go down the slide......no siree

 So Fred decided ta try gettin' at George from BELOW..

I'm comin' ta get ya, Boy....do ya hear me?    
I may be older than ya are, but I can still whip yer chops.....

Look out cause here I come....ready or not.......

Sheesh....this slide is pretty slippery fer terrier feet.....

I swear, I'll get ya later, George....

Yes siree, I will......

He, he, he, he, he, he.....

The slippery slide saved the day fer my silly brother, George.....

See him standin' up there with a smirk on his face?

Ya might have ta back up a bit ta have another look.

Ya can't ?....well imagine a silly smirk..... if ya will.....

'cause that's what I'm thinkin' happened....

Smirk, smirk, smirk....

I had the last laugh, ya old coot......

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on some really strange goings-on at the kids swingset.....Here's hopin' that soon we have a bit of excitement of our own ta report.......Dewey D.....Over and out.....
