Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas Ta Ya All.......

Hi Ya Bloggies,
Before I get too far inta my report, I want ta wish ya all.....'n by that I mean "All of ya" a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday er whatever yer celebratin' this season.....'n a Happy New Year too !


First let me show ya some of Grandma Judy's Christmas decorations cause yer not gonna see any around here.........Scrooge Gram.....

'N now that we got the pleasantries outta the way.....
onta a much more important subject.....

Now if any of ya were our friends...'n I mean REAL FRIENDS,
ya woulda spirited us all away from Gram,
her flash beastie and her Christmas torture........

Just look what we had ta do taday....

 Do ya think my Mom looks happy in ANY of these pictures

Do ya think she's enjoyin' this at all?

Me 'n Toby were a little bit happy
cause we had visions of chewin' up those antlers
so they would not see another year of use.

And then we had ta change outfits.....yikes.....when can we go Gram?

And then Gram thought maybe she should take a few of my Mom all by herself....
I tell ya my Mom didn't move a muscle the whole time....
she just wanted it ta all be over and fast. 
She didn't smile either.....

                                       Which one is the statue and which one is my Mom?

                                                                If looks could kill....
                                                        Gram woulda been mincemeat...
                                                              I tell ya mincemeat......

                                                               Are we done yet?
                                                           We are......Thank Dog......

Now fer some more pleasantries....
                                             If yer waitin' fer fer him 'n his sleigh..........


'N listen fer the music, he's likely ta play.........

But then above the snowflakes fall

Have a Very

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' about Christmas, our horrible ordeal while dancin' ta Mariah Carey's special song.....

Have a Merry Christmas everyone !
