Why hello ta all !!!!
Did ya have a Merry Christmas ???? Did ya ?? Did ya ??? We sure did here. Why, we had visits from Santa Claus and Santa Paws too......
Santa Claus came and left off some stuff fer Gram....'n Pap....'n big bruvers Scott & Brian....'n big sister Heather.....but most of all he left stuff fer Baby Parker......
Pap had ta show the Christmas Tree ta Parker cause this is his first Christmas and he didn't really know what a Christmas tree was.
Santa Claus brought him some new books and he was readin' one with his Dad. Parker even knows how ta turn the pages cause he's gettin' ta be a big boy !!!!
He was havin' trouble openin' up his gifts 'n my Mom was ready ta help him get it open so he could play with it.
Then while we were sleepin' Christmas Eve, Santa Paws came 'n left us some packages....just special fer us ta open all by ourselves.
Mom knows how ta open packages real well cause she's been openin' 'em fer a few years now.
Toby got his new toy outta the package and he was squeakin' it like crazy !!!!
Mom got hers out too and she was goin' ta town on it.
I got mine out too and I was playin' up a storm.......
But I don't like ta share so much and I saw all the toys were so nice and I had ta have 'em all. So I just took 'em off Mom 'n Toby and then I had all three........I tell ya it was hard ta keep all 3 in my mouth.....fer sure.....
Gram 'n Pap tell me that I'm a brat fer sure.......but I wanted 'em all. Gram took 'em away 'n gave 'em back ta Toby 'n Mom.....bummer.......
We each got a bully stick too...Mom was havin' fun, fun, fun eatin' hers.......
Toby was havin' fun, fun, fun eatin' his.......
'N I was havin' fun, fun, fun eatin' mine too.....
Before I go I want ta introduce ya to my brother Cedric......he lives in Manhattan and on Long Island too. His Dad has an antique refinishin' business in New York and he got his picture in the December 2008 issue of Country Home Magazine. Cedric's Dad sent Gram this picture 'n Gram went out today 'n bought the magazine too so she can save it.
Meet my brother, Cedric Ebbitts......ain't he just beautiful ?????
Gee, Christmas was really a special day.......'n we hope that everyone had a really nice visit with their families and friends.....'n got lots of nice stuff too....
'N we're hopin' that 2009 is a much better year.......fer everyone......all over the world.....why, everywhere !!!!
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on Christmas and wishin' everyone a Happy New Year !!!!