Tonight we are goin to talk about shearing sheep. Ya know what that is?
Sheep shearing, typically just called shearing, is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is removed. The person who removes the sheep's wool is called a shearer. Typically shearing occurs once per year per sheep. The annual shearing most often occurs in a shearing shed, a facility especially designed to process often hundreds and sometimes over 3,000 sheep per day. And that's a lot of work my friends.

Wow, do ya see all the wool on that sheep? Now look below an see a different kinda sheep....a wire fox terrier sheep....Now that's Fred, my father, and as ya can see he needs a haircut. Why, ya can't even see his eyes, now, can ya?

And this, my friends, is my brother, George, who lives with our Dad, Fred and my big bruver, Scott and his wife Heather. George also needs a haircut. The warm weather seems to have arrived around here and ya can't be walkin' around with all that hair. So Gram and Pap, the grooming table and tools went over to big bruver Scott's house to see what they could do with Fred and George.

It took an entire afternoon but after the floor was filled with hair and Fred and George were sick of bein' on that grooming table, the finished product was unveiled. Now this was a quickie job, so it is not Grooming Salon worthy, but ya can see the improvement. First Fred.......

Dewey Dewster reportin'.........let's get this to press........