W..E..L..L.....Now ya all show up......
Where were ya when I needed ya????? Huh ? Where were ya before I got lead ta the slaughter house ???? Ya coulda called us ta let us know we weren't goin' ta meet any sweetie pies on Monday.......
No siree.... we didn't see even one.....ya wanna know where we went ????
We went ta a Spay/Neuter Clinic......'n I can tell ya that we didn't come outta there lookin' like we did when we went in. Nope......missin' parts.......I tell ya.....'n important ones too......Now, I am not a happy camper at all here.......
No more dreamin' about bein' the father if 18 beautiful wire fox terrier puppies.......I'll never even be the father of 1 wire fox terrier pup.....no more dreamin' at all fer me......no siree....might as well never even go ta sleep anymore.....those days are over....
When I found out what was goin' on, I asked Gram ta at least get me neuticles.........so I would look the same way and then the girls would still love me........
But NO..... Gram was havin' none of that....none fer Toby either....not that he knows the difference...silly overgrown puppy that he is....why Joey was right when he said that Toby is a Doofuss......
Look at 'em.....does he look sad ta ya?????? Does he look like he minds the fact that he will never see little Tobys runnin' around????? Never.....not ever.....none.....nada.......
No, he's a Doofuss and all he wants ta do is play, play, play.........
'N while we were gettin' carved ta bits.....did Gram and Pap stay ta see if maybe we might need any help there? Nope....they went ta brother Scott's place where Fred and George badly needed a hair cut......
Just look at George there.....can ya even tell that he's a Wire Fox terrier and my brother ta boot???
And Fred.....does he look like my Father ???? Does he???? I think he looks like a hairball.....why, neither one of 'em seem ta have any eyes in there......
Now Gram and Pap worked on 'em all day and that pile of hair is just from George....there was another one just as big from Fred.....
Now here's Fred after Gram took a ton of hair off him....why he got his eyes back....'n there were pink spots on 'em too....so Scott and Heather will have ta be careful in the frigid weather we're gettin' now.....
'N then there's George.....minus a ton 'o hair 'n with pink spots on 'em too. He needs ta bundle up before goin' out in this cold weather.....fer sure........
There's George again.....he wasn't even mad at Gram fer pullin' off all his hair....I mean didn't she know how long it took 'em ta grow it all ??????
So I tell ya I'm still comin' ta grips with what happened ta us on Monday.......but one thing is fer sure.....we can throw away all those Dog Breedin' books pronto.....won't need those anymore......nope.....
Gee, I sure hope the girls will still like me anyway.......after all I'm still Dewey.......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on his worst week ever.....