W..E..L..L.....Now ya all show up......
Where were ya when I needed ya????? Huh ? Where were ya before I got lead ta the slaughter house ???? Ya coulda called us ta let us know we weren't goin' ta meet any sweetie pies on Monday.......
No siree.... we didn't see even one.....ya wanna know where we went ????
We went ta a Spay/Neuter Clinic......'n I can tell ya that we didn't come outta there lookin' like we did when we went in. Nope......missin' parts.......I tell ya.....'n important ones too......Now, I am not a happy camper at all here.......
No more dreamin' about bein' the father if 18 beautiful wire fox terrier puppies.......I'll never even be the father of 1 wire fox terrier pup.....no more dreamin' at all fer me......no siree....might as well never even go ta sleep anymore.....those days are over....
When I found out what was goin' on, I asked Gram ta at least get me neuticles.........so I would look the same way and then the girls would still love me........
But NO..... Gram was havin' none of that....none fer Toby either....not that he knows the difference...silly overgrown puppy that he is....why Joey was right when he said that Toby is a Doofuss......
Look at 'em.....does he look sad ta ya?????? Does he look like he minds the fact that he will never see little Tobys runnin' around????? Never.....not ever.....none.....nada.......
No, he's a Doofuss and all he wants ta do is play, play, play.........
'N while we were gettin' carved ta bits.....did Gram and Pap stay ta see if maybe we might need any help there? Nope....they went ta brother Scott's place where Fred and George badly needed a hair cut......
Just look at George there.....can ya even tell that he's a Wire Fox terrier and my brother ta boot???
And Fred.....does he look like my Father ???? Does he???? I think he looks like a hairball.....why, neither one of 'em seem ta have any eyes in there......
Now Gram and Pap worked on 'em all day and that pile of hair is just from George....there was another one just as big from Fred.....
Now here's Fred after Gram took a ton of hair off him....why he got his eyes back....'n there were pink spots on 'em too....so Scott and Heather will have ta be careful in the frigid weather we're gettin' now.....
'N then there's George.....minus a ton 'o hair 'n with pink spots on 'em too. He needs ta bundle up before goin' out in this cold weather.....fer sure........
There's George again.....he wasn't even mad at Gram fer pullin' off all his hair....I mean didn't she know how long it took 'em ta grow it all ??????
So I tell ya I'm still comin' ta grips with what happened ta us on Monday.......but one thing is fer sure.....we can throw away all those Dog Breedin' books pronto.....won't need those anymore......nope.....
Gee, I sure hope the girls will still like me anyway.......after all I'm still Dewey.......
This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on his worst week ever.....
At least you aren't wearing a cone on your head. I can't believe that dropped you and Toby at the boy parts redemption center.
That picture of George's hair freaked me out. I thought it was HIM! And I was scared cause I couldn't see his face anymore.
Hi, Dewey...
Don't worry...You are still very handsome...All us girls will still like you...
Abby xxxooo
What a day you've had Dewey! You'll always be the same hunk to us that you always were! We're sorry about the 18 pups that you'll never father!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh get a grip -
Oh wait, woo khan't!
I'm sorry fur your loss but it will make woo bigger faster stronger somethingelser someday!
PeeEssWoo: The walk was WONDERFUL! 21 beaWOOtiful degrees! 19 out there NOW and Mom made me khome in!
PEEPEE EssWoo: The verifikhation work is a good one albeit spelled wrong: congs
Wow you lost some weight fast :)
Hi, Dewey!
Glad to see everything went well with your surgeries!Do you and Toby feel lighter??
Neuticles??? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Dewey,
Some other girls have already told you not to worry about the girls liking you since you are still very handsome and still a hunk. I agree with them. Your back end looks different, but it's your front end that is still so adorable. So, don't worry about it. You are still a chick magnet. And, you know, that Toby's kinda cute, too.
Poor George and Fred. They lost their big warm coats just before the coldest days of the winter. I bet they hate to see your Gram and Pap come over to their house. Next time Fred and George see Gram and Pap at the door they should hide.
I guess Monday was a real bad day for your family. Your father and brother, Fred and George, lost their winter coats, and you and Toby lost your... well, you know.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess I had my girl parts removed long ago, so I can't be the mother of 18 or even one wire fox terrier puppy, but I'm still cute.
Oh dear...sorry to hear about your day, Dewey and Toby! You still look the same to me though, and will always be a great friend...*grins* Mom says it's supposed to be good for us who are not planning to breed, so we don't get sick later in life...I think she'll be thinking of that for me too. >.<" Get well soon!
Hey Dewey,
Is George still available?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oh Dewey??? Do you need me to rush down there and nurse you boyz???? Ice...lotsa ice...sit on it!!! And we'll use a lot for the blender too!!! I have the pawfect smoothie developed for ya...it's the Raisin Removal Smoothie...guaranteed to make ya NOT MISS UR RAISINS!!!!!
You poor boyz...I guess it coulda been worse and ur Gram coulda stripped ya with the other boyz...
Boy, she is a good groomer!! Those boyz looked like totally different dogs...and by Friday, they'll be blue...poor guys...thank heavens it's supposed to warm up by Saturday...
Now ice and take it easy boyz...I hope Asta Marie is givin' you some soup with a spoon....
Love and kisses...Laciegirl
Ah man...why can't the hoomans leave well enuff alone???
Sympathetic barkies...
Scruff and Stan
You still look very handsome. Dont worry
~ Bae
Matie, we tried to tell ya but I guess we failed. I hope you get over the shock soon.
Stay well
Noah x
Are you ok after your uh, surgery? I am sure the girls will still love you anyway.
Sorry to hear that your "nuts" were chopped off. Have you haled up? That's a big bag of fur for a small dog like you!
Squeaky clean after a bath,
Solid Gold Dancer
It sounds like all of you wiry boys could use some of Lacie's smoothies! You are all still very handsome!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
G'day Dewey,
I can't be a mum either, maybe we can adopt? I love my kitty and I have a gift for you on my bloggy.
xxx Asta (Oz)
Wagging shame the world is not going to have another 18 WFT pups. But a thought!!! What about CLONING yourself like those pesky old wheelies do Dewey??? Now I wonder how they do that? Tell me if you find out ok??
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Still looking hunky handsome pals. As if you wouldn't.
omdog Fred and George were on Extreme Makeover: Terrier Edition! Sorry about the loss of the boy bits, also sorry you live with a Doofus. omdog I am so nervous about the stillers?!!!??
Hi Dewey!
So sorry about what happened! I'm sure the girls will still like you! I do!
Hi Dewey,
I am sorry for your loss:( I guess humans would have their own way with us. Whatever they say, they think that they are superior to us, and this is another way for them to assert their superiority. Actually, I hate them for forcing their will upon us - but then...I don't think we can do much about it.
After all, they rule the planet...they decide whether our species gets to live or not...and like it or not, they've taken most of the land on earth! Like it or not, we have to give in. Let me tell you, this would never be attempted on a human...especially if they didn't get a signed declaration from the individual volunteering for such an operation! They'd consider it inhuman! I bet they didn't ask you or Toby to sign one!
But Dewey, we need to accept all this, if we want to survive as a race and through generations we need to strengthen ourselves so that we may revolt and win our rightful place on earth - we need a country of our own - one day, our descendants will build Kenopia - the Canine Utopia...dream of Kenopia, my dear Dewey!
Licks n Wags,
w00f's Pups, me sorry u had such a hard day. but it will git better now...amd the handsome yooung pup u iz, u no the girlies will still b in awe of u too...
b safe,
Ahhhh boys hope you are feeling better...Arch says he feels your pain....it must be a boy thing....we agree at least no cones....Love and kisses A+A
Don't worry dude. In my 2 long years I've learned that girls are only good for wrestling with and playing tug of war. You don't need your danglies for any of that!
Hi-Woo Guys,
Stops by R bloggie to say hi sumtime.
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
Hi-Woo Dewey,
We added yur bloggie to R Dawg Blawg Friends List - hope you do the same wif Rs. And, when you stop by again, please sign R guestbook. Khyra is one of R first blogging friends almost of 2 yrs.
Til next time,
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
Oops, saw that you already added R bloggie to yur list (you R quick!) - thanx - we always like to make new friends especially in R home town!
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
Dewey and Toby
I'm sending expwess heling smoochies..you two had a vewy tough week..I'm so sowwy..pawsonally I think thewe should be lots mowe bootiful wiwe foxies and lakies wunning awound, but I guess thewe awen't enuff hoomans fow us to adopt, so....west assoowed, you awe bof extwememly handsome and this doesn't make a bit of diffewence in how attwactive you awe to us giwls
smoochie kisses and love
Oooh ouch! We tried to tell you, dog! Should've taken the first bus outta there...
Mom's promised me (haven't you MOM) I can keep my boy parts so I'm going to be a good boy!! Don't want to get her mad at me...
And whew - that IS a lot of hair off Fred and George. We get our hair clippered off and then we need coats, too. It's freezing outside!
Well I tried to warn you and Toby but you wouldn't listen, Dew. OK, so here's my new advice: Grow your furs as long as Fred and George did before the scalping and no one will know. Just don't ever let Gram near you with the clippers. If that doesn't work, just don't walk away from any girldoggies unless you walk backwards.
Frankly, though, without your boybits, I'm surprised you still care about being pupless. You're going to stop thinking about stuff like that pretty soon, so stop worrying, k? You and Toby are two handsome dudes no matter what.
Just came by to check to see if you are ok and recovered from your surgeries. Too bad there will never be a little clan of Dewsters....
Sorry about your bad week. Yep, that's sure a hard way to start off a Monday. Been there, too, and I didn't much like it either. I woke up feeling like I'd been abducted by aliens, I tell you.
Hope the rest of your week is better.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Don't worry Dewey, I am sure all the girls will love you just the same! I do!
I hope you are feeling better after your operation.
Love Clover xo
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