We would like ta congratulate President Elect Barack Obama who has won the Presidential election in the United States fair 'n square........he didn't even tug fer the honor. We hope that he can get this country back on track and out of this recession we're in.....cause then the rest of the world will follow...... and everyone wants the whole world ta be prosperous 'n happy too......'n we want more goodies fer the doggies too.......
The Passing of a Friend
We would like ta sent our thoughts 'n prayers ta Eli in Singapore cause that little fur-ball hamster, Girl Girl, has left us all 'n gone ta the Rainbow Bridge. We hope that Bae Bae can help to fill some of the void that Girl Girl's passing has left.
Well, Hello there !!!!!!!!
Bet ya thought we were never comin' back.....didn't ya ????? Thought we were stuck in the wilderness.....buried under 12 feet of snow... without power, water and a way out. Well, sorry ta disappoint ya but we were just not doin' anything very interestin' and so we decided ta take a week or so off and get ourselves tagether again. It didn't work.....we're still not tagether but we're here anyway.
We were watchin' Pap work on the new porch roof at the cottage at our window perch.
Here's what the cottage looks like with the new porch roof partway finished......we're gonna love it !!!!
Just cause I had it Toby wanted it....what a Baby he is.....always wantin' stuff that belongs ta me.....he grabbed it and started ta tug.......
And Tug......
Too bad ya can't hear all the growlin' that goes along with the tuggin' .....it woulda scared ya fer sure......
So we hope ya all have a great weekend and that ya all get yer own hoof.....they are sure smelly as anythin' when they get wet......but we still LOVE "EM.......