Well hello all,
Our friend Koobuss has been telling us for a long time now that we needed our own blog. And now that Toby had joined our little family, we figure we need one too. So our Mom decided to at least enter some information on this site to tell everyone (just in case they are interested) where they can find us. Oh yeah, and where they can find out what we have been up to. So let me tell you who we are. First there was Asta Marie, the Mom ( age 6) who had a litter of 4 puppies on October 31, 2006. Hooman Mom decided to keep Dewey from the litter( bad move hooman Mom). He turned 1 year old last Halloween (and he is scary too). Then the hoomans in this family got really drunk and brought a Lakeland terrier home.........his name is Toby (Age 6 months) and he arrive on February 1, 2008. And so now there are 3 wires (although not all Foxies) living here in suburban Pittsburgh, PA. So now you know there are 3 of us and we live outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. and our hoomans are a little wacky.....what else can we tell you?
Welcome to Blogland, guys!! I am so happy that you decided to join us here. This is an interesting place with all kinds of characters. You are sure to like it as much as I do.
Good luck with your blog!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
hiya guys, koobie told us where to find you. We love the pictures, and want to learn more.
Hi Asta Mawie ,DEwey and Toby
WELCOME to the nutty wowld of Bloggies!!!!
I aweady know you and love you and hope you have a gweat time hewe in Bloggie land...some of us awe cwasiew than othews(oosooally the wiwes) hehehe
Keep giving us pictoowes and stowies!
smoochie kisses,Asta
Pant...excited...pee on floor...oh,that was Babystan...sometimes when he gets REALLY 'cited, it's not pretty!!!
This is like the best thing that ever happened...like we ALREADY know you and this is ur first post...!!!!!
WELCOME to the craziest thing you'll ever do...
Asta Marie...your good looks and $$$ are always welcome here! Keep on winnin' at those casinos!!!
Dewey...you are poetry in motion...this is a perfect forum for you to write ur poetry...preferably to me and post it!!!!
Tob...welcome to this crazy family...we NEED more Lakies representing us...I'll show ya the ropes, Boy!!!
And to ur mom....we are so glad you were convinced to blog...you already have the stories!!!!!
Terrier barkies...
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystanh!
Hey, Asta Marie, Dewey & Toby!
I'm Stanley (Asta's boyfriend). I'm an almost 2 year old Airedale, and I live with my crazy sissy, Stella. She's a 9 month old Lakeland Terrier my hoogirl rescued from Florida.
She's ALL EXCITED about you guys, and so am I.
Welcome to the world of blogging, and stop by GooberStan ANYtime! We're extending our paws of friendship to you!
Your new goober pals,
Stanley & Stella
Oh my, Dewey.
Thank You. Your poem is so beoootiful. I love it.
You are very charming, and quite the gentleman.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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