Friday, March 21, 2008

Let's Talk About Art..........

My Mom bought an egg on the website eBay
And I just wanted to share it with you all today.

See the wiry fox terrier full of such fun.
I know you will think he's a real special one.

Do you see the foxy, just lookin at you?

Where there was one, now there are two.

My Mom thought two terriers were cute as can be,

When “The Terrier Two” became “The Terrier Three.”

Now we were admiring and not keeping score,

When the terrier three had a terrier four.

And to our amazement, “Great Foxies Alive!”

Those four little foxies gave up number five.

They’re all nesting eggs and aren’t they just sweet.
Five foxies , five sizes, five faces to meet.

We enjoyed each expression and then they were done.
They all nested again and then there was one.


These eggs are real special to my Mom and me
And the author’s not Dewey, it’s Asta Marie.

Now wasn't that much more refined than anything Dewey posts?

This is Lady Asta Marie Foxwire reporting for the Wire Fox Terrier Network, WWFT, from Pittsburgh, Pa. Back to you...........


Koobuss said...

That is an amazing trick! How one becomes five and then five becomes one! WOW! I wonder how they do that.

Asta Marie, your writing is much more refined than Dewey's, but don't tell him I said that.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Juno said...

Wow, these eggs are so cute and pretty neat!

Thanks for visiting our blog. :) Maybe we're related to Prince Charles's great great great great great grandpa's doggie.... we should google to find this out!
Did we scare you?!? :D There are more foreign language & bilingual doggie blogs out there and it's fun to visit them.

Your friends,
Momo & Pinot

Gus said...

Congratulations, that is a darling find.


Amber-Mae said...

Hi there guys! Nice to meet ya. Wow, those artworks are nice!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi there, it's nice to meet you all. We noticed your cuteness on DWB site. We love watching your video. Come over and say hi.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Eric said...

Asta Marie + Dewey, Yip peeee .pawsome of you to visit my bloggie, I wheelie like yours too cousins in cyberspace.I'm gonna add you to my new list of playmates if that's ok. But me n Mom are both puzzled by your question "am I ginger"? I know we speak the same doglish here and over the piddle puddle where you are, but here ginger is rhyming slang for .. oh la la ...something Moms won't tell me! Wiry wags. Eric

The Brat Pack said...

Those are pawsome!

