Why, look at this PJM (small leaf Rhododendron) just full of flowers and burstin' with color.
And then the Hyacinths were just finishin' up for this year....Now there's a flower that makes ya want to put yer nose to it....not bad to look at either.
Why, this weekend Toby was in rare form...happy as a lark and high steppin' all over the neighborhood and smilin' like he didn't have a care in the world.
Now, ya can see that my Mom was feelin' bad.....that was 'cause of me, her little boy child.... who did not have a good weekend at all. First me and Mom got stripped of our nice thick coats....we kinda' knew it was a comin' since Fred and George got the business last week.
But I can tell ya...that ain't the worst of it...losin' the hair 'n all.....ya see that sad face??? That's me... and it isn't bad enough havin' pink spots showin' on my back after bein' stripped of most of my hair.....now I have a bald spot 'cause I got micro-chipped this weekend too.
Ya know, they just plug that chipper thingie right into ya like yer a piece of fruit or sumpin'.....and on top 'o that....I got a rabies shot too...Oh, woe is me, woe is me. I wanna tell ya....I have felt a whole lot better than I do right now.....
I never go in my crate unless Gram and Pap go out and here I am just a restin' here cause I just feel so bad. Gram gave me an aspirin ta try and make me feel better but I feel pretty poorly right now.
So please just let me alone to suffer in peace....and if I see the angels a comin' fer me, I'll let ya all know.
Dewey Dewster sufferin' in silence.......
Oh the horror of it all....to be shorn like a sheep(we have a terrible feeling that is happening to us this weekend) The humilty, the aggravation(but you all do look mighty handsom!!) Love A+A
Oh poor Dewey!!
I feel so sorry for you. That microchip business is pretty tough. I remember it well. It really hurt. Poor guy.
Looks like you missed a nice spring day, too. Most of the flowers around here aren't out yet. We are about a week behind you.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Good luck, Dewey!
Oh Dewey, I's so sorry you aren't well. Toby came by and told me you was feeling poorly. I could come over and bring you some soup. The Mommy let me have a little with my oxtail tonight and it was very good. Her would be glad to give you some.
Hope ya feel better soon.
Lova ya lots...Mona
Dewey D: Toby came by and left a message for me
Said you were poorly - I should come and see.
Sorry he was right
Hope you feel better soon
If I see your vet I'll put him over the moon
Hey, Dewey D!
I too got a visit from Toby, so I knew you weren't feeling the best. Had to come by to give you some healing goober smooches (they'll make you fell better PRONTO)!
You know, though. You really DO have a flair for the dramatic. You're KILLIN' me with the posing.
Goober love,
My sweet boy..you weally have youw Mom Asta Mawie and Toby youw bwuvvew wowwied...I'm sowwy all those howwible things wewe done to you...you do look vewy sad (but handsome)
I was micwochipped when I was a baby, and I don't wemembew, but if it was a s abad as you make it look ,I feel sowwy fow myself in wetwospect.
I'm having my haiw yanked out on May 9th..so I twemble wif feaw..hope you feel lots bettew tomowwow and can enjoy the bootiful spwing flowews
smoochie healing kisses
Hey Dewey, sounds like you had a miserable weekend. Still, if you lie about looking extra sad you MAY get extra treats. Usually works for me! Jx
PS Hope you feel better soon pal!
I forgot to give you a message from Ms. Alpha. She LOVES the PJM! She's a gardener, too.
I'm lucky 'cause I don't always respect her flowers, but she says that dogs RULE.
Toby Boy!! Thank you for stopping by our blog! :) Your brudder Dewey is not feeling well. Poor thing. We hope he's taking a good rest and gets better soon.
Momo & Pinot
Don't leave us! We need you! I was microchipped too...
You musta been feeling so icky and sleepy after all the poking and prodding!
I hope you are feeling better today and ready for the new week!
Feel better my friend!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Oh Dewey,Toby came over and said you were sick, bad, pawly. Want me to bitey the face off the vet for ya pal?I'm gonna tell him too that whoever named those chips MICRO has never had one punched in him, didn't feel micro to me or you huh?
But you look a real cool dude with your new strip Dewie. I go May 6th for mine.I feel sorry for myself after too but then I look in the mirror and see how handsome I am and that gets me a wagging! Get Asta to haul a mirror over to your crate and give it a try.
Wagging get well wishes pal ... Mom sends healing tummy tickles....
Oh no Dewey, are you feeling any better now. We hate it when one of our maties isn't well. We're keeping our paws crossed that your nasty sickness has gone away.
Let us know how you're feeling ok.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh Dewey, Thank goodness i got microchipped when i was really little. And to top it all your gettting strip of your coat, how unbearible..... You get better soon Dewey.
lots of licks
Well,Dewster...sounds like a bad weekend at your house...stripped and chipped...sounds like some kinda Isaly's ham with a little Playdog thrown in, poor guy....
Now ur doin' rehab in ur cratie...sounds serious. We all did our chippies when we were snoozin'; I'm feelin' lucky about that now!
At least ya look good! Downright handsome, actually.
That Toby is somethin' else...I think he loves ya Dewey...
Hope ur feelin' better by now Dew...ya wanna come over and have a beer???
Oh Dewey, that's horrible! You look so sad... Sendin' warm wishes your way! Hope you feel better soon.
Poor Dewey! We sure hope you are feeling better by now! You do look very handsome after your fur pullin'!
Poppy & Penny
I hope you are feeling better soon. It's no fun to be under the weather. I am glad that you got microchipped, though. All three of us have chips and we beep when we're scanned.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
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