Sunday, June 15, 2008

A little bit of Nothin'....'n a Sample of Somethin'

Hi out there in Blogland....

Ya know sometimes ya take life fer granted....ya see the sky is a beautiful shade of blue... 'n ya look at it and sigh and move on. Ya see a fluffy white cloud in the sky 'n ya think it looks like a soft pillow... 'n ya keep walkin'....'n ya see a river flowin' with houses on the shore...'n houses perched on the edge of a hill...'n green trees 'n sunshine.. 'n ya think...oh boy...what a great day this is.

Pittsburgh is really a pretty city....'n sometimes we just don't appreciate what we're seein' when we drive around. 'N Gram is always angry when she drives through the city tryin' ta get from here ta there.. 'n doesn't have her camera with her. Last time she went over to brother Scott's place, she remembered it 'n snapped three pictures of the Mon River from the movin' car....

See the houses at the river banks 'n the houses perched on the hills above the skies with fluffy white clouds floatin' like soft pillows on their way ta heaven....
The Mon River has pretty dirty lookin' water but it's still beautiful ta look at 'cause it's here... 'n it's ours...'n it's part of Pittsburgh.... 'n all that we love about it......'n most of all it's a sample of the stuff Mother Nature creates fer all of us ta enjoy.....
Sunday June 15, 2008

Taday was Father's Day....'n what a grand Day it was started out pretty humid 'n kinda dreary...but then the sun came out 'n the humidity eased a bit...'n the day was Grand......

Toby started the morning out on his perch on the back of the sofa in the familyroom....roachin' out....relaxed lookin' isn't he???? We had a picnic cookout fer lunch at our house. Brother Scott....'n Heather....smelly baby Parker.... 'n Brother Brian.....'n Aunt Carol...'n Great Grandma Dorothy...'n of course Gram 'n Pap were here.....along with us, of course.....

Do ya remember the baby hooman Parker? Well, he's gettin' ta be pretty big now...close ta 4 months old...'n he does more now that he is gettin' over being a big baby.....I mean a little baby....

Here he is with Great Gram Dorothy....I bet ya can tell which one is the Great Gram...'n which one is the baby Parker...can't ya? He's gettin' his first tooth ( inagine that...him bein' 4 months old 'n all....we had our teeth long before that...must be why babies are defective in growin' up)

We really had a nice visit with everyone...'n the day turned out ta be really nice too...we had another bowl of ice cream after everyone was gone.....'n Gram took us fer a nice long walk too....

Yeah, life is good, I tell ya...tomorrow I'm gonna look at the clouds...'n check out the color of the sky...'n see if the river is runnin' straight fer a change...'n make sure those houses on the hill didn't fall off 'n land in the river.........Pittsburgh, Pa.........a nice place ta live....

Oh yeah....ya need ta say a few more prayers with us now....can ya? Cause the Midwest is still gettin' bad weather...'n floodin'...'n maybe the prayers we've been sayin' are defective or somepin' say 'em harder...'n say 'em louder...they need our HELP......

Dewey Dewster here......reportin' on Pittsburgh... 'n Father's Day.....'n checkin' out nature.....'n savin' the Midwest


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. looks like you doggies had a pawsome day with the hoomans. Happy father's day to your dad

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Our dad will be visiting Pittsburgh next month! He's going to the transplant olympic games! He can't wait to see your beautiful city!
We're so glad you guys got ice cream! yummmmm

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Dewey...

We had a nice family cook out yesterday, too...

My Dad opened the pool & the little humans had a blast...

The little human's Dad had to go in the pool with them, & he said the water was cold...The little humans didn't seem to mind...Except for the littlest one...He's a little older than Parker, I think...Cuz he has teeth & he tries to run after me...

Pittsburgh is a very beautiful city...& we are still praying for our friends in the Mid West, too...

Abby xxxooo

Lenny said...

I hope your river did not get too high! It was supposed to rain this weekend but we were lucky and it didn't.

Your friend, Lenny

Abby said...

Hi, Dewey...

I gave you an Award...

Abby xxxooo

Eric said...

Now me thinks you might just be a a thinker like me? I agrees, your sky is very pretty, wish I had a cloud in my crate to sleep on don't you? Or that every cloud had an ice cream lining instead of a silver one, that would be just pawfect. Me thinks Pittsburgh must be a pretty cool place too cos you pals live there.

Mom is tickling the photie of Toby,says he looks teddy bear CUTE and then started co- ooooing over the photies of baby Parker. Watch Parker closely cos those sort aren't housetrained for years. Look for nappy change time - great for rolling in.

Will be SHOUTING a few more prayers... can't believe those pals of ours have more bad weather.

Wiry wags, Eric

Agatha and Archie said...

Well that was a fabulous report,thank you. It looks very pretty,we have never been there( of course we have never really been anywhere so that doesn't say a lot!!) We are drooling over the ice cream pics and Agatha says she does THE SAME thing on the couch!! Love and kisses A+A

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is another good report, and great shots of the river too. Hope you had a great weekend!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

You make the burgh look pawsitively wunnerful! I definitely prefer my subtropics though, sorry. I couldn't give up my lizards!

Bussie Kissies

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Dewey,
Sounds like you all had a brillo Fathers Day. It isn't fathers day here until September.
We really enjoyed your post about Pittsburgh. Sounds like you really love your home town...good stuff matie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, sounds like a great weekend. That water looks kinda murky. A bit like the water after I've had a bath! J x

Chef said...

Hey Dewey! What a profound post. You're right - we all have to stop and appreciate all the nature around us. I am going to go outside and appreciate right now! My Papa loves Pittsburgh too. His trucks pass through there every day.Paws crossed here for the flood victims.


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Your human's baby is really cute. Some day you'll probably be good buddy's.

Love the clouds in your photo. We all need to take time to appreciate what is right outside our doorsteps.

Levi's mom

Koobuss said...

Great post, guys!! i like the clouds and sky, too. Yes, our state is really beautiful.

Parker really got big! He looks like he's thinking about the upcoming Pirates home series against the Yankees.

I'm glad that you guys got ice cream again. You seem to do pretty good for yourselves as far as ice cream is concerned. Ice cream is the best food in the whole world!! You are so lucky!

Keep the Pittsburgh pictures coming!! Prayers for the midwesterners, too.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Oorvi said...

Hi Dewey,

Pittsburgh looks lovely, and the clouds look really soft. I wish Cameo would line my box with some of them:)

I am in complete agreement with you - human babies grow much slower than pups. I remember getting my second set of teeth even before I turned one!


Toffee said...

Happy belated Pawther's day!
It looks like you had a terrierific time.
That baby Parker is a cutie - not as cute as you, though.

Rudy said...

You sure have a lot of clouds out there in P'burgh! Good luck this weekend doing Earthdog. Mom's getting ready to send in our entries to the tests up in NJ the end of the month. I think she just does it to 1)entertain us and 2)to see her Earthdog buddies!

We haven't been up there lately and she's determined to take us. Fine with me! This weekend is an agility trials and it's my second favorite doggie sport -- can't beat those rats ---


Asta said...

Dewey Dewstew
It sounds like a pawfect place to live that Pittbuwgh place...and youw family celebwation suwe looked nice...I loved the pictoowe of Pawkew and youw Gweat Gwamie..but you'we wight Puppies awe faw mowe advanced..I'll twy pwaying lots hawdew fow the midwest !
smoochie kisses

Oorvi said...

Hi Dewey,

You are one of the best "almost" daily blogger dog I there's something on my blog that you should see (No, it isn't ice cream!)


Ferndoggle said...

Ewwwww, the Mon has never looked ickier! I don't think even I would swim in it.

