Dewey Dewster here ta tell ya it's been hot around here this summer. The sun's been out just about every day and just when ya think the weather is perfect...the eat and humidity returns with a vengeance 'n makes ya hot and cranky....
We went fer a morning walk the other day......'n the humidity was pretty high so by the time we got home...we were pantin' up a storm....
Gram felt sorry fer us so she got out an ice pop and was gonna give each of us some when Pap said give 'em each their own ice pop ta cool 'em she did......'n there was a banana that she said we could share too so we all got ta have a banana float....
ooooooohhhhhh....doesn't that look like ya could just dive right in and chow it right down????
Mom got the blue one...'n me 'n Toby got the red ones but they were all nice 'n cool 'n refreshin'....
Gram took 'em out on the deck so we didn't drip the meltin' ice stuff on the kitchen floor...
I thought we hit the jackpot there gettin' our very own ice pops cause we usually only get a taste of Gram's.......
Toby wasn't too sure that the bananas shoulda been in his dish but he sure liked 'em anyway....
We sure hope that everyone has been able ta get cool at some point this summer......either in a swimming pool or by havin' something nice and cool ta eat.....
We know that we get a lot of goodies that some other doggies can't have, but we sure hope that ya all get something that's nice like ice or ice cream cause those special treats are super delicious...... 'n if ya want ta stop over and visit a spell with us, we'll be sure ta share our ice pops with ya too....
Dewey Dewster reportin' on Banana Ice Pop floats..........
That made my mouf watew..suwe looked yummie..I think somone loves you lots..
It's been vewy hot hewe too, but as long as it's not waining, Daddi takes me to the wun and I sit in the swimming pool in between wunning awound like a maniac, hehehe
at cocktail time..I like to cwunch the ice Mommi and daddi give me
smoochie kisses
Hi, Dewey!
You all got a very refreshing treat! Looks delicious! I am going to tell my mom about it. Here is very hot too!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Dewey,
That was wonderful:) I've tasted banana, but I haven't ever tasted the floats...what are they made of?
I'm really happy to see your post. In fact I've been sniffing around everyday, checking whether or not you've written a new story...
I took your advice and told Cameo how much I'd missed him...I even gave him a small scratch on his wrist as a reminder:)
Licks n Wags,
Crikey we've never seen blue food bizarre. As long as it cools you down, that's the main thing. If you want to cool down you can come visit us. Bring coats.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Man, Dewey, I cooled off just looking at your frozen treats!...Then I saw the lovely Asta Marie and got all hot and flustered again.
Your pal,
Your banana floats look delicious, Dewey Dewster! We've never had blue ice before! Does it taste like blueberries? Dad shares those with us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my gosh, Dews. Those look awfully good. I sure could use one of those right about now - it's hot as blazes here too. I had white ice cream today but it didn't look nearly as good as your blue floaties.. tasted pretty good, though.
We've been sad all day about Jackson's news...we came by and sampled some of ur banana floaties....they were so good we forgot bout some of our worries!
Mumsie took us to North Park today where we walked for all of 100yards before it started to pour and we had to come home!
We like that pic of Dr. Randy Pausch (sp?) on ur blog...he spread the word to millions of people to live and love like a fox terrier live in the present and to celebrate each day ...but we had it figured out before!
No way! I think you are all super duper spoiled! I wonder if my mom would make me a salmon ice pop?
Dewey, if that was an invation I'm coming right over.We don't have to eat those banana ice floats all day....mmm but they could really float my boat and don't you just love banana? I do,always hang around Mommi when she has her banana sandwiches. I could do a little mud face pack drill with Asta Marie to teach me the finer points of application and ball practice with you maybe. What do you say?
Dewey is your Mom in lurrrve with Petey???? I think you are mighty cross with him, he he he.. he's a bit of a boy!!!
Hi, Dewey...
I've never had a Banana Ice Pop Float, but they sure look good...
Sure it cooled you right off...
Abby xxxooo
Your banananananana ice pops look very yummy! We line up in front of the 'fridge whenever someone uses the ice maker. They don't have any taste, but they cool us off! We need to get our personal servant to get us some of those ice pops.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
ohhhhh Dewey! Banana ice pops must be delicious!!! We've had very humid summer. We need them right now!
You're awarded! We just noticed that you've received the same award already but please accept ours, too. :)
Momo & Pinot
I just added ice pops and bananas to the shopping list on the frigerator door. Think they'll recognize my hand writing?
Happy Tails,
William Tell
We get banananannas but we NEVER get popsicles, and we live in the darn desert for goodness sakes!
Hi Dewey!!
What a pawesome refreshing treat you got to eat! Yum!
It was so sweet of you to ask me on a date! (I think you were asking, right?) It would be fun, for sure! Let me know when you want to go.
Love Clover xo
Hey pals, they certainly look yummy, but I'm not too fond of bananas! Jx
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