Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas Ta Ya All.......

Hi Ya Bloggies,
Before I get too far inta my report, I want ta wish ya all.....'n by that I mean "All of ya" a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday er whatever yer celebratin' this season.....'n a Happy New Year too !


First let me show ya some of Grandma Judy's Christmas decorations cause yer not gonna see any around here.........Scrooge Gram.....

'N now that we got the pleasantries outta the way.....
onta a much more important subject.....

Now if any of ya were our friends...'n I mean REAL FRIENDS,
ya woulda spirited us all away from Gram,
her flash beastie and her Christmas torture........

Just look what we had ta do taday....

 Do ya think my Mom looks happy in ANY of these pictures

Do ya think she's enjoyin' this at all?

Me 'n Toby were a little bit happy
cause we had visions of chewin' up those antlers
so they would not see another year of use.

And then we had ta change outfits.....yikes.....when can we go Gram?

And then Gram thought maybe she should take a few of my Mom all by herself....
I tell ya my Mom didn't move a muscle the whole time....
she just wanted it ta all be over and fast. 
She didn't smile either.....

                                       Which one is the statue and which one is my Mom?

                                                                If looks could kill....
                                                        Gram woulda been mincemeat...
                                                              I tell ya mincemeat......

                                                               Are we done yet?
                                                           We are......Thank Dog......

Now fer some more pleasantries....
                                             If yer waitin' fer fer him 'n his sleigh..........


'N listen fer the music, he's likely ta play.........

But then above the snowflakes fall

Have a Very

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' about Christmas, our horrible ordeal while dancin' ta Mariah Carey's special song.....

Have a Merry Christmas everyone !

Friday, December 10, 2010

Is it Winter already....or what ?

Hi ya bloggies,

Dewey Dewster here ta tell ya what we have been doin' lately.
Well, fer one, we've been tryin' ta stay warm
cause this is what it looks like around here lately.
Ya probably don't even have ta wish fer a white Christmas....
cause this stuff isn't goin' anywhere anytime soon.

See that white stuff ?
We don't mind it so much but Gram 'n Pap hate the stuff.
They admire the first snow cause it's pretty ta look at
but when it just comes and never leaves, it gets annoyin'....really annoyin'......

We live on top of a hill and so ya can get a good view of the houses
and trees and streets below us.
Now since we can't play outside becuz of the snow,
we like ta play inside.
There's nothin' like a good game of fetch.

Sometimes we play with the ball and other times we like ta play with any toy
we can find and get Gram 'n Pap ta throw fer us.

Now why does Toby have ta play when I wanna play?
Can ya tell me please?
I always have ta show 'em whose boss......
'n that's me of course....the boss, I mean...
As if ya didn't already know that.....
After runnin' up and down those steps a hundred times,
 me 'n Toby were just plum worn out.
That 'n we thought ya might want ta see our tongues.
Pretty, aren't they?

Well, I think I caught my breath now 'n there's not much else
that we've been doin' lately cause it's really cold outside.
But I always like ta give ya some food fer thought.
So tonight I'm askin' ya if ya believe in Santa Claus ?
Ya know the jolly old guy in the red suit.....
'n a long white beard.
Do ya think he's gonna come Christmas Eve
and bring ya some
new toys....
 'n biscuits....
and maybe a chewy or two?

Me....I'm watchin' out the window fer 'em. .....
Santa Claus, that is.
If he comes I'm gonna bark 'n bark 'n bark some more.
 Then I'm checkin' the fireplace ta see if he left us anythin' special
I'm checkin' ta see if he left us anythin' at all.
Then I'm gonna play with everythin' I can.....
' Eat most of the goodies
before I wake up Mom 'n Toby.....
Cause then I'll know that I was
NICE....'n not NAUGHTY......

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on our cold weather..... 'n snow....indoor games
and waitin' fer Santa.....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthdays and Other Assorted News

Hi ya bloggies,

It seems like we never get ta update our blog anymore. But I made Gram sit down and work on it tonight.

We had birthdays 'n my Mom's birthdays are both in October.....mine is on Halloween but we had a party before the ghosts came. Mom's is October 15.....I refused ta dress up in a costume but Gram made us wear hats and Halloween bibs. Yikes....the things we do fer food........

So after we were humiliated ta death at our party we went back up ta camp cause the weather was supposed ta be really nice.....'n it was.

We played ball every day with Gram 'n Pap....'n took long walks too.

We went up ta McCarthy's ta check fer vermin.......I searched in the wood pile.....

It was high but I climbed up anyway

We had a lot of fun.......except my MOM always gets inta trouble............

My Mom rolled inta some ODE_Cologne..........Gram said YUCK !

'N I had weeds 'n dirt all over me.......We needed a BATH !!!

We sure get excited when the pool comes outta the garage.....

'N we sure love ta jump at the water too !! Water just gets us so excited.........

We got ta get a bit of the dirt off in the pool.......last time fer that fun this year....Winter is comin'...

There's nothin' like a dip in the pool when the weather is super nice......

I tell ya the swimmin' pool didn't get all the dirt offa us this time......

We had ta get a BATH anyway.....yuck........

So we're ready ta head back home again......'n we're sure sad ta have ta leave........

I tell ya we need ta get rid of that poodle hair Toby has lately.......he looks really silly.......

But I sure love my vantage point pictures......... 'n this was a good of my favorites......

If ya had a birthday 'n we missed it....we wish ya a belated one........

'N we'll try ta post more often ....'n visit around more too....

Have a Great Weekend Everyone !!!!!

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on our birthday party.......our cottage visit....swimmin' pool fun....'n the wonders of vantage points......

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall 'n All......Ya gotta love the scenery......

Hi ya bloggies,
I tell ya here it is nearly the end of October and  the weather is gettin' cooler. The leaves have changed colors....that is the leaves that haven't already fallen off the trees. This summer was so hot and dry that this hasn't been a very colorful fall at all.

But we headed up ta the cottage fer a little fall escape and Gram did get a few good pictures that will help us remember the fall of 2010. First our road.......not as pretty as last year but nothin' ta scoff at either......

Our road, Colorado Road outside of Titusville, Pa
We head down and up and then down Henderson Hollow Road ta get ta our place.....I say up and down cause it is down a hill and then up another one...then down another one....Pennsylvania is full of hills.
Our neighbor's house on Henderson Hollow Road

 We like ta visit Grandma Judy when we are here 'n when Pap went over there he got attacked by 3 wild wire fox terriers that live at Grandma Judy's house.
Meet Jewels, Goober and Shaun C...... Ya can tell how scared Pap was when they attacked 'em.
 So Gram, Pap and Grandma Judy took a trip ta Corry, Pa ta shop 'n see some fall sights too.
And when Gram was on the way over ta pick 'er up she took this picture of the side road.
Up here we are in the middle of the country and when ya travel country roads ya see strange things.
 And they saw this guy, a grouse, in the middle of the road and they had ta chase 'em off so he wouldn't get hit.
After Corry Pa.... Gram, Pap, 'n Judy drove ta Spartansberg...... Ya can only park yer buggy in this Spartansberg parkin' spot.
So I guess this buggy won't get a parkin' ticket.
Gram would have loved ta scoop up that pile of manure fer her garden but Pap wouldn't stop. There's lots ta see in Spartansberg....all ya have ta do is look around.
These geese were hangin' out on the shore of Clear Lake in Spartansberg Pa
We saw this lake one other year we stopped in's always a lovely place ta catch yer breath.
Now Gram walked right up ta these geese and they didn't move. Maybe they were lookin' fer food.

Geese by the bridge on Clear Lake Spartansberg Pa.

 'N right next ta the geese was this bridge goin' over ta the Clear Lake Lumber Company. They sure keep it nice 'n picturesque too.
This quaint bridge is on Clear Lake by the Clear Lake Lumber Company
 Don't ya just love the peaceful tranquility on Clear Lake? There were picnic groves there 'n tables ta rest at and enjoy the scenery.
Clear Lake
On the way outta Spartansberg......there was a flurry of activity. It was gettin' ta be quitin' time and this fella was rushin' ta get home .
Amish buggy
Gram has never been lucky enough ta get a good picture of the Amish cause they move so fast.  This was one lucky picture.

And the car got right behind these guys who were just clompin' along in a hurry ta get somewhere.....home maybe.....

Two  Amish buggies racin' right along.
Ya gotta just love the sight of the Amish. If ya can actually see 'em that is cause they don't like ta get photographed. Maybe Gram will get arrested fer taken pictures of 'em.

We found this pretty tree in Tionests Pa
We all took a ride ta Tionesta cause Gram wanted ta see the boat launch and lake.

Now we were gettin' pretty hot in the car and we just wanted a little fresh air.
Now that's us lookin' out the car window....we were down at the Tionesta boat launch
The wind was blowin' 'n the water looked cold and the boat launch was deserted.....except fer us.......

Deserted boat launch at Tionesta Lake
Now where were all the boats isn't even snowin' yet? But we wanted ta see the sights so we could show 'em ta ya.

Lookin' over at the Tionesta Resevoir Lake
Back home again at the cottage. Ya know at one time Gram 'n Pap could burn fall  leaves in a burn barrel  in the borough we live in outside of Pittsburgh. But that practice ended years ago. We can still burn up at the cottage 'n so we enjoy it whenever we can.
When we got up taday Pap built a fire....we stay away from that so we don't get burnt.

Now I tell ya all that talkin' I'm doin' on this tour we've been taken ya on has plum wore me out. I am goin' ta rest in my bed a spell and see if I can get enough energy stored up so I can play some BALL.

Dewey's head in Dewey's bed

It sure has been great ta have ya along fer our Fall tour........we have a lot more pictures 'n maybe we can show 'em ta ya later...........
Ya all wake me up before dinner.....will ya?

I'm gonna keep my eyes open a crack ta make sure I don't miss dinner....I may be tired but I'm not stupid......

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on Fall splendor, the elusive Amish, and pretty wildlife.......over 'n out........

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Walkin'....'n Chewin'.....'n Truckin' Report

Hi ya bloggies,

I tell ya technology is great except when it isn't....if ya know what I mean.......

I was tryin' ta file an important report usin' one of Gram's old programs......'n when I filed the looked great.

Then when I had ta reduce the size of didn't look so great anymore.....

But since it took 2 hours ta make,  I'm filin' it anyway.

Ya may be able ta tell that I got a now I look a lot more PROFESSIONAL......but very
bare- butted........

'N I used some silly stuff in my slide-show......

If ya can see it it is...........................bigified as it is............

A Dewey Dewster report on taking a walk, getting new chewies and checking out brothers truck.

Well, my report was supposed ta speak volumes but now it seems like ya need a magnifying glass ta read it.......

But ya can get the idea....can't ya???? I'm virtually neeked 'n now it's cold here.....yikes.......

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on us all Walkin'.....Chewin' our new chewies and checkin' out big brudder Brian's truck.......

Over and out..................

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Au-tum-nal Equinox......We send ya a Pox........

Hi bloggies,

Now I tell ya I'm weary....
'n dirty....
'n I need a haircut....
did ya hear that Gram ?
But I'm reportin' anyway about the comin' of Autumn. 
The Au-tum-nal Equinox....not ta be confused with our Chevy Equinox....

The official first day of Autumn is Wednesday September 22, 2010 and what a season it is turning out ta be.

Here in "da Burgh" we have had a very hot and very dry Summer. But ya can always tell when it is comin' ta an end when we get ta see all the signs of Fall.

Now Gram 'n Pap found this bugger in brother Scott's front yard. A lady at the Pittsburgh Zoo said it was a Hickory Horned Devil.....'n that it was lookin' fer a place ta pupate fer the Winter. When it emerges in the Spring, it is one huge moth. I tell ya it is one scary lookin' crawlin' caterpillar. It was 5 inches long and very determined ta find a Winter home.
Gram 'n Pap gave it ta the lady at the Zoo so she could let it pupate in 'er garage....'n then she gets ta see it next Spring.....when it's a beautiful moth.

Now every Fall, Gram sees the likes of this guy when she waters her garden Mums. She saw one of 'em eatin' a poor grasshopper that happened ta trespass in his Mums. Yikes......they are vicious. Preying Mantis.....beautiful....... but deadly.......'en he likes our Mums.....
We just got back from another week at the cottage...Gram looks forward ta pickin' pumpkins every Fall but last year she didn't get any and so this year, she's been out there pollinatin' the flowers herself. Unfortunately, we didn't see many female flowers until this trip so while we have a few baby pumpkins growin' now it will take til the end of October ta get any big ones.
Now taday we got home and since it was quite warm (85 degrees)....Gram had the windows and doors open.....

That is until she saw the "Stink Bugs" all over the screens and climbin' thru the little cracks ta get in. Ya sure don't want ta get "Stink Bugs" in yer house cause they really STINK.
We used ta see 'em at the cottage only but recently they have decided they like the city and we see more here......

The windows and doors are all CLOSED now.......

And every night we hear on the news about the invasion of "Bed bugs"........
creepy little vermin that suck yer blood out while yer sleepin'.
Gram always remembers her Mom saying as she tucked 'er in " Good Night, Sleep Tight......don't let the Bed Bugs bite".
She never saw any back then .....or EVER fer that matter......but now they say they are everywhere and Gram is really worried they will move in here.

I sure don't want 'em in my Bed....
how about you?
Nasty vermin.....
fer sure......
So far my bed is free of the little creepy crawlers.....
'n I wanna keep it that way....
So here's hopin' the buggers don't decide they like our neighborhood cause they are
 "NOT WELCOME" siree.....

Well Bloggies......heres hopin' yer Au-tum-nal Equinox is goin' along well...
that yer homes are all free of the crawlin' vermin....
that ya get ta see an occasional praying mantis, and caterpiller........
'n that all yer Pumpkins are plump, large and orange.

When ya wake up taday....ya will have crossed inta the Autumnal season...

Unless ya already woke up and it's already taday in  yer world....

Then yer enjoyin' it now....

Happy Autumn everyone !

Don't let the "Bed Bugs' bite.....

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on the change of seasons......and creepy crawlers.....
