Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer is fer Playin', Havin' Fun and Reportin'

Hi ya bloggies....

Here I am reportin' from Northwestern Pa. again. Now ya might remember this picture of me from last year but I'm recyclin' it cause I want ta report from a vantage point  and Gram didn't get any good VANTAGE POINT pictures this trip. She is sooooo much in trouble lately......she's on probation as my assistant...I tell ya probation.....

Now Shafali (aka Mercury, Oorvi's Mom) has another contest on 'er blog. Ya need ta tell a story that goes with a caricature she drew fer the blog. Now I tell ya this one stumped me a bit cause every time I thought of somethin' clever, I thought of somethin' else that really happened......'n there was a war in my mind of stories....
Here's the story that won the war.....

Crime Never Pays

The door to the cell shut behind him with a clank and a thud.....his eyes scanned the room that would be his home for the next 5 years....a 6 X 6 cell with a commode and a cot. His leg was chained to the wall to remind him not to exhibit any more unruly would not be tolerated.  He sat on the cold concrete floor, alone and afraid and just shook his head in disbelief.

They had set out early.....way before daybreak and found themselves walking the streets of West View, a little borough just north of the City of Pittsburgh. Lots of parked cars lined the streets there since the majority of the residents do not have driveways and garages.

The three of them... Jack, Will and Beth.... wandered up and down the streets trying car doors to see if by chance any were unlocked. You were likely to find any number of valuables left in those cars by unsuspecting residents....thinking they were safe and secure from prying eyes. As they went about their business, they heard a man shouting at them...the language was strong and the voice was angry. "Stop what you are doing, right now" he said "and stay right where you are". Jack who was seated in one of the autos looking through the glove box, jumped out and ran into the woods.

In the glow of a street light, Will and Beth saw a man approaching with a German Shepherd dog straining on his lead, his eyes wide and threatening. "If you don't stay right where you are, I am going to sic this dog on you both",  he said. It only took a second for them to decide not to press their luck and with a quick look at the dog, they stopped dead in their tracks and waited.

The man pulled out a cell phone and dialed 911 while the dog sat at attention before them. A short time later, the police arrived and took Will and Beth into custody. Good old Jack turned himself into police later.

The hero of the day is Paul Pokorny and a lot of kudos belong to his dog Cochesse who is normally a tail-wagging face-licking canine. Paul and Cochesse were simply out for an early morning walk trying to beat the heat of the day. This story is true....only the names of the accused have been changed to save them from further embarrassment.

When the Police Chief later presented Mr. Pokorny with a certificate of appreciation, he was told that $1700 in stolen jewelry had been recovered from the captured group. A crime spree met a timely end under the watchful eye of a man out walking his dog who was willing to get involved.

Now I'm tellin' ya this because Cochesse is my hero and I'm gonna be just like 'em when  I grow up. Here's a picture of him that appeared in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette along with their version the story. Ain't he beautiful....big 'n strong and handsome..... I guess that his Dad is OK lookin' too but that that's a hunk.....

But because of the two of 'em 'n their bravery, our  little borough is a safer place....'n we're grateful ta both of 'em....

So there's my version of the story.....'n I hope ya like it......( ya will have ta excuse the different font sizes in the story as Blogger had its own mind tonight and Gram couldn't get 'em ta change it.)

Now onta our visit ta our cottage.......
I think that I will let these videos speak fer themselves.........

And then some more.....

Now ya can see that we're pretty tired after all that activity.....But we would do it all again tomorrow if we could.

This is Dewey Dewster reportin' on Shafali's contest story and our best day this summer........hope ya had a good time.....


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I believe THAT is a true Waterdance!

PeeEssWoo: Great story fur Oorvi's mom's khontest - we keep drawing blanks when we try to ponder an entry!
PeePeeEssWoo: Great weather here is SCPA too!

Shafali said...

That's a fabulous story. I love your stories, they are so bright and full of life:) Thanks for sharing it with us.
Cochesse is handsome - no doubt! I am sure Oorvi's going got print his picture and keep it under her mattress:)
Thanks to you and your Gram for participating in the blog-carnival.

The videos are awesome, but I have a question for you...Don't you think that Toby should be given equal opportunity to dig...that boy has a lot of potential, all he needs is a little motivation. I think he might have a little inferiority complex building in him - because you and your mom are so good at everything:)

Bellyrubs to you, your mom, and Toby too.

Duke said...

Did you get that shell of a tree to fall yet? You guys are such awesome diggers!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

WE just love the videos! You are all so cute!

Koobuss said...

Boy, you guys wore me out just watching you. You work so hard. I thought you were on vacation! That water game does look like a lot of fun though.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

TwoSpecialWires said...

No doubt about it. You three really do know how to work ... errrr ... play.

Do it again tomorrow. For us. OK?

Jake and Fergi xxoo

Life With Dogs said...

I'm sorry but I'm just loving that first pic! How did you ever get that one?

Life With Dogs said...

Oh, and I would love to share this on our fan page. Could you e-mail me if that's ok?

Eric said...

Haaahaaaa!!! You three.....totally utterly CRACKERDOG in your videos. Maybe Toby a little less so but gee wizz Dewey you and your Mom are hard acts to follow.

Wiry love Eric xxxz
