To our dear friends in blogland or to anyone who may become our blogland friends in the future. We want you all to know that none of this was our idea at all. It was a contest and we didn’t want to participate but when do we get what we want anymore? So we hope that you enjoy the following show. It will not be repeated by us anytime soon. So please consider the following show our official entry for the contest.
Asta Marie, Dewey Dewster and Toby Tibet
WOW!!! Am I ever impressed!! We have so many entries for our male and female real hat category. And they are all so lovely! i really don't know what to say. (And you don't find me speechless too often.) Good job, guys!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
MyStoopid pootew wouldn't let me see you slide show..I'll come back latew..I have to see youw hats!
love to all thwee of you
smoochie kisses,Asta
Hi I came back, and this time I got to see the show!!!!
Fabulous, you shouldn't feel bad, did you see all that Mommi did to me???
I think the top hat is the best fow Toby and I love the hat with eaw muffs fow AstaMawie, and the dewby is vewy debonaiw on all look gweat!
Thank you
smoochie kisses,Asta
Laughin' Dale butt off....
In total awe with complete admiration....
Barkless barks,
Pee Ess Did she drug you?????
Um...I was gonna write a poem bout ur experience, but I figured it'd get outta hand and I think you've suffered quite enough at the hands of ur peeps....
Should we call a 24 hour poetry truce and go out for a beer, Dewey? Toby can come along for a pop and Asta can come along to pay. Meet ya at Primanti's in the city....and Dewey, um....
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