Sunday, September 14, 2008

Doggie Fun Day Report

Hello Ta All this fine day........

Well, it wasn't all that fine cause after it rained pretty much all day Friday and Saturday, it was hot and windy taday........but taday was Doggie Fun Day and we wanted ta have FUN, FUN, FUN !!!!!!!!

We were ready ta go early this mornin' and after we had all the stuff packed in the car and trailer, we left ta drive ta Butler, Pa. fer the big day.........

There were a bunch of 12 week old Bassett Hounds next ta where we set up and Gram went over ta see 'em........Cute, aren't they.......

There were rings set up fer practicin' Obedience and this doggie was in that ring with his Mom.....

Then a celebrity appeared 'n everyone went over ta see who it was....we were pretty sure it was Angelina Jolie but now we think maybe it wasn't her at all.....but she was a celebrity fer sure.....

Ya can see some of the rings they had set up there so people could try Agility, Rally, Canine Good citizen, Earthdog, and Conformation with their doggies.......

And some more of the doggie day goodies.....

People were a bit slow gettin' there and then we got busy cause we were runnin' the earthdog stuff fer all the people ta try......

Oh, this is the father of some of the puppy bassett hounds....

We had a lab puppy that wanted ta bark at the rats we had in the cage.

Labs can't get inta the tunnels cause they get too big....Earthdog is only fer small terriers and a few other breeds. But this guy was barkin' at the rats anyway...

Then one of the WPA Earthdog Club members, Donna, was there taday with her 2 Westies. She has been tryin' ta get Angel ta get interested in the rats fer earthdog fer years now. Well, taday, Angel got interested in the rats. See what ya think....

Now we all had a fun day but it was hot 'n windy so everyone is pretty tired tonight. But we think Doggie Fun Day was a big success......'n we're ready ta plan fer next year.

So how was yer Sunday ?????

This is Dewey Dewster here reportin' on Doggie Fun Day..............


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It was tooooo ikhky and stikhky to do ANYTHING!

BUT, it looks like woo had SOME fun!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Dewey!
Glad you all had fun there!
Looks like Doggie Fun Day had lots of activities!
8 beagles there!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Sounds like you doggies had a pawsome Sunday. :)

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

Our Sunday was wet wet wet. It poured and we got soaked. We think your Sunday was much better. Sounds like the Doggie Fun Day was a hit!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Princess Patches said...

Sounds like you all had a great day at Doggie Fun Day! Did you catch any rats?

Poppy, Penny & Patches

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Oh wow, that sure looks like loads of fun! I would have loved to visit Mr. Rat again! My sisters and I love to go to events like this!

Clover said...

Hi Dewey! I am so sorry that I am so late visiting after your run-in with the porcupine!! I hope you are feeling all better now. I almost cried when I saw you guys with all those quills in you! Oh but I am so glad they are all out.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Happy belated barkday to Toby!
P.P.S. I live in Ottawa, Ontario - and it is about a 4 hour or maybe 5 hour drive to Burlington, Vermont, where we went to visit this weekend!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That looks like you had a really fun day! Do you think they have events like this for cats too?

Chef said...

Hi Dew. Your Sunday was a whole lot better than mine. We had the tail end of Ike up here in Eastern Canada -- lots of rain and wind. Today too but it's starting to get nice again.

Looks like the Westie is finally ready to catch himself some rats. I'm glad you had a good time at Fun Day. You guys sure deserve to enjoy yourselves.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Man. what fun,hu? Did ya get to chase some rats yourself? Go to ground and all that cool earthdog stuff? (How cute were those bloodhound pups!)
We're glad you had a great day. You deserved it after all th troubles you've had!!

Joe Stains said...

joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!


Look at all those COOL doggies. I wish I was part Basset Hound, they are so totally cool loooking!!!


Koobuss said...

Hi Guys!!

Boy, that sure looks like fun! You guys get to go to the neatest places and do all kinds of interesting things. One thing for sure, you guys are not bored. Too bad that the day was so hot and windy. We had the same weather here, too, but I stayed inside in the AC. I'm not good in the heat. Anyway, glad that you had a good time.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Asta said...

I'm sowwy youw weathew didn't coopewate, but suwe glad you had a fun day at the doggie fun day!!
love and smoochie kisses,ASTA

Oorvi said...

Wow! That's a lot of fun to be had all in one day!

Actually, I can't recall any day in my life that was packed with so much fun!

You must be dog-tired...right?

My days have been sort of okay...nothing special actually! Except that you-know-who came up with another canine puzzle and then there was this news about Buddy that I had to post:)

About Mercury's sloth...
Oh, you've not seen the real Mercury...she's so selectively lazy:) I'll tell you more about her, when she leaves her laptop behind (so she's careless as well...I mean, how bad can you be!)

Licks n Wags,

Xsara and Tani said...

wow, what a fun event! that was a really cool sunday :)

Duke said...

You had a great Sunday! Those Bassetts are so cute!
We had a great Sunday too - our dad came home from Maine!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
