Friday, November 21, 2008

Terrier Troubles

Hi there....

We thought we'd show ya the good stuff first....then the stuff we didn't really want ya ta hear about...

There's Baby Parker again....lookin' like a little boy instead of such a baby. He has an argyle sweater on and chinos....just like his Daddy wears...what a big boy he's gettin' ta be....he's even crawlin' now...good boy....

Gram thought ya might want ta see her confused Christmas's in full bloom right now and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. Somethin' tells us it won't be bloomin' on siree....

It got as cold as a Witch's T_ t around here lately and the last time we left the cottage we had no idea it would be so cold so soon and we didn't drain the hot water tank and take other steps ta make sure it survived until our next visit. Since it was gettin' inta the teens at night we made a unscheduled trip up there and spent the night ta drain that tank.

There was a bit of snow there 'n Pap was shovelin' it and that makes Toby 'n me crazy. I tried ta re-arrange his ear a bit and it got pretty mangled up. I felt real bad after it happened but I was real mad when I did it and then it was too late. I hope Toby's ear heals real fast.......see him and his bandage.....

I was so upset I hurt Toby so bad that I curled up in the toybox at the cottage and went ta Mom always does that......not me. 'N if ya look closely at me ya might see that I have one of my ears plastered ta my head...... can ya believe that ???? I was scratchin' my ear so much it was bloody 'n that just made it more I scratched some more....'n Gram put socks on me and I just took 'em off. So she super-glued my ear ta my head. Now I hope all my friends report her ta the Super-glue people cause I know that's not what yer supposed ta do with it at all.

It somehow came unglued taday so she glued it back again.....that's 2 crimes fer ya all ta report fer me.......

Gee, we're under the weather here....except fer my Mom....who has 2 good ears. So we hope ya all have a great weekend....'n we hope the weather warms up soon.
Dewey Dewster reportin' on terrier troubles, Baby Parker, 'n the crazy Christmas cactus......


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All I khan say is WOW!

Things in the OTHER part of the state are a bit difFURent!

Take khare of evFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Bobby Vinton is khool - I knew he was from 'here' - so is Perry Como!

Duke said...

We sure hope both of your ears heal up quickly! Super glue, huh?! hummmmmmm
Your gram's Christmas cactus is just gorgeous! Mom can't have houseplants because she can't remember to water them and she kills them all!
Baby Parker is just adorable! He's a grown-up little man!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey you and Toby have been in the wars. That kinda thing happens here sometimes. Willow has a mysterious sore on her leg and pinkies suspect Lucy had something to do with it.....she's keeping awfully quiet about it.
Hope you both heal up very quickly.

Noah x

Abby said...

Hi, Dewey...

I sure has got cold really fast up here in the Northeast...My Mom says she doesn't remember it being this cold in November...

We have snow in the backyard & it's supposed to snow about 6 inches today & tonite...Looks like it's gonna be a long winter...

I hope your ear gets better & Toby's, too...Lots of ear trouble in your house lately...

Stay warm...

Abby xxxooo

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Dewster,
Parker looks so cute in his argyle sweater. But you also look so cute in your toybox. Hope both your and Toby's ears are going to be ok.

Joe Stains said...

I am not quite sure how to alert the ear police, but if I figure it out I will get RIGHT on it! We are sending healing ear vibes your way!

Lizzy said...


Ya know, the plants at my house are confused too. There's a couple trees in the backyard that are budding, but they're supposed to bud in February, not November! Silly plants... I must say though, your Christmas Cactus looks lovely!

Oh dear, you mangled up Toby's ear?! I hope Toby feels better soon! And I hope you do, too. I don't blame ya for feeling bad about that... I would if I were you, too... But ya know, sometimes we just can't help getting crazy with other doggies...

And oh dear, I hope your own ear gets better quickly as well! Oh my dogness, your Gram super-glued your ear to your head?! Dude... That's crazy! Man, I'm glad that at least your Mom, Asta-Marie, has good ears today...


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh my dog. Ears are getting mangled right and left!! Hope they all get better soon.
You have a very cute little boy!!!
His ears look fine..

Lorenza said...

Hi, Dewey!
Eary post!
I hope your ears get better soon!
My mom likes the confused cactus!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Koobuss said...

Hi Guys!

My, my!!

I guess boys will be boys. I just don't understand them. For some reason you guys get all upset over things like the snow shovel or broom. (My Uncle Koobuses did, too.) I bet Asta Marie could not care less about those things. She's a girl. She knows better. Now look at the both of you. One has a bald ear that looks really ugly, and the other has an ear glued to his head because he likes to scratch it. Humph. Boys.

Little Parker is adorable. Hope he doesn't get excited over snow shovels and brooms when he gets a little older.

That Christmas cactus you have must also be a boy. Years ago my mom used to have a rather large one, but it was confused, too, so she gave it to a very nice, plant-growing lady who was patient with it and it prospered for her, so we were glad.

Good luck with your ears, guys! And, Dewey, don't tried to become unglued, or your gram will and then you will have big trouble. You never know what she will glue next! Hehe.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Chef said...

As cold as a witch's t_t, Dewey?? We never heard that expression before. My Mama is laughing!!

Oh that Parker is growing up right before our eyes. You're right. He looks like a little boy now instead of a mushy, chubby baby. What a handsome boy!

So you got your ears glued down. That's pathetic. You know, I called Information for the number of the Glued-down-ear Police but they said there's no such thing and hung up on me. She must have heard me wrong, so I'm going to call again tomorrow k? Don't you worry, Dewey. I'm going to get you some help.

Mama's got a Xmas cactus too. She calls it her clown plant because it always looks silly. Ours is confused too because it blooms in time for the American Thanksgiving. It doesn't know it's a Canadian plant! Dumb plant.

So take care of your ears and settle down, you two.


Eric said...

Crikey!!!Hope your foot doesn't get stuck to your old head when you have a sneaky scratch Dewey. Oh dog-a-blogging- NOOOOOO. You aren't superglued into the TOY CRATE curled up in ball are you???? Gulp.
And poor Toby, maybe he could do with some superglue too to mend his ear? Oh and while Gram is at it maybe superglue the flowers back on the confused plant when they fall off, will be fine for Christmas then. Whatever you do Dewey ...keep her well away from the cute Parker boy. Dog knows what she would do....

Worried wags, Eric x x xx

Agatha and Archie said...

Baby Parker has gotten big!! It is very cold here too,and PL2's cactus is almost ready to bloom as well!! Crazy!! As fo the ear thing( and mysterious cuts and scratches..) well we for one can Totally understand going NUTSO over a broom,happens here on a regular basis,Same as closing the dishwahser door........woo hoo craziness.....what we do NOT understand is why NO ONE understands this..Love A+A

Rudy said...

Oh no! I wouldn't get Gram all excited like that -- hide the Super Glue beFORE you get in trouble next time or there's no telling!
Oh yes isn't it cold outside now??
We're staying toasty inside but when nature calls we have to get out there and do it fast!


Dexter said...

Its hard not to bite your brother when something else is making you crazy. Sometimes when I am really mad at the neighbors I snap at pee-wee. I don't know what gets in to me. Hope you guys can work things out.


Chef said...

Hi Dewey. Yes, my old email address doesn't exist anymore. I changed it to:
because all kinds of spam was coming to my old one, like up to 50a day. But I think we've solved the problem!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Parker looks SOOO cute in that outfit! I hope your ears and Toby's ears get better real soon! Super-glue? Wow, that's a first that I've heard...o.O" Well,as long as it works to heal your itchy ears,anything should do, right? *wink*

Hope you have a great day!


Bae Bae said...

Baby Parker looks so cute. Oh dear.. I hope your ears are ok...

~ Bae

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We know all bout the glued down ear police!!! I pawsonally have had my ears glued for way too long for way too many 1 800 MEANHOOMAN....that oughta take care of it!

Stan has a big nasty hot spot on his face which I am helping heal by licking it for him and making it really oozing, bloody and draining...Mumsie said something bout gluin' my tongue in my mouth but she'd hafta catch me first!!!

Love and kisses...Scruffy

Need me to come over and groom anybody????

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We know all bout the glued down ear police!!! I pawsonally have had my ears glued for way too long for way too many 1 800 MEANHOOMAN....that oughta take care of it!

Stan has a big nasty hot spot on his face which I am helping heal by licking it for him and making it really oozing, bloody and draining...Mumsie said something bout gluin' my tongue in my mouth but she'd hafta catch me first!!!

Love and kisses...Scruffy

Need me to come over and groom anybody????

Clover said...

Hi Dewey,
What an eventful time you have been having!
Baby Parker is adorable! I am sorry to hear about Toby's ear... hope he is doing ok now. And I hope your ear is better too!! I love your pic in the toy box. I used to like doing that too!
Love Clover xo

William Tell said...

Who knows, but Toby's ear might be all that much better because of the rearranging you did? Anyway, I hope Mom doesn't hear about that super-glue thingie because I might find my bits super-glued to the floor next...

Happy Tails,
William Tell
